2nd Amendment RKBA

Dangerous gun control bill in US Senate

HR 2640 is the most dangerous far-reaching assault on your Second Amendment Rights since the Democrats gained control of Congress!

Congress is authorizing $750 million to make a substantial expansion to the instant background check database — the very system that is violating our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. This new money will be used to collect and store your personal information including your medical records.

HR 2640 will allow shrinks (psychologists and psychiatrists) and bureaucrats to decide who can own and possess firearms. Currently under the National Instant Check System (NICS) a person becomes a prohibited person, regarding firearms possession, when that person is “adjudicated a mental defective,” “by a Court.” HR 2640 removes your due process rights, and greatly expands the definition of a “prohibited person” to anyone who, in the opinion of any shrink or government bureaucrat, could possibly be a danger to oneself or another. For example, under HR 2640 you won’t be able to call witnesses on your behalf; in fact, there won’t even be a hearing.

Many of our great service men and women would be prohibited from owning firearms, if, when returning from serving our country, they are labeled “dangerous” because of a visit to doctor for stress. We all know that our great service men and women see and experience situations that may continue to give them nightmares. Are these events good reasons to permanently ban firearms ownership for these individuals? They just finished serving our country and now they may be barred from even owning the firearms they used to defend this great nation. This was tried by the Clinton administration; the names of 83,000 veterans were sent to NICS to become prohibited persons. Under HR 2640 these 83,000 veterans would be banned as well as thousands more.

HR 2640 also expands the list of “prohibited persons” by allowing shrinks to decide who is a “danger”. We already know that many “professionals” in the psychiatric field believe that a firearm in the hands of any American is dangerous and therefore no person should have them. You can imagine the utter chaos this legislation will create!

Any medical “professional” could also make a similar determination. We already know that many pediatricians believe that any household with firearms is “dangerous,” even if they are properly stored. Senior citizens who have trouble balancing their checkbooks could become prohibited persons under a finding of “disability” or “incapacity.

Closet anti-gun politicians love legislation such as this. So far, politicians have hidden behind voice votes on this bill. HR 2640 is a Trojan horse. It sounds justified on the outside with promises of keeping mental defectives from having firearms, but a closer look at the details reveals a huge expansion in those who will become a prohibited person; an expansion that could potentially include most Americans.

Washington insiders think gun owners will be fooled by their veiled attempts to ban firearm ownership. They’ll go to great lengths to silence the grassroots, and to absolve themselves of responsibility if it does pass (and becomes yet another tool to the gun banners).

Just witness the latest issue of the American Rifleman. They admit that gun owners are mad, and have been contacting them.

And then they attempt to justify their support of this bill by saying “Trust us”.

Well, we don’t trust them. And we certainly don’t trust Cong. Carolyn McCarthy. Nor do we trust Sen. Patrick Leahy,

Take a look at what supporters of this bill are saying about it:

This bill has already passed the House of Representatives with a sneaky voice vote and is expected to be voted on in the Senate soon! That is why we need you to contact your Senators today. This will be our only chance to stop this erosion of your rights!

P.S. Together we can stop the Washington insiders who want to eliminate private firearms ownership in the U.S.

What you can do:

  1. Send the pre-written message (below) to both of your US Senators. Click here to e-mail your U.S. Senators.
  2. Make an online donation to NAGR to help us fight this gun control monster.


Dear Senator,

Please don’t allow gun control to pass on your watch. Gun owners don’t want to expand the “Instant Check” (NICS), we want to repeal it. It is simply wrong to penalize US Citizens by eliminating due process and assuming they are guilty until proven innocent. I encourage you to stand against the anti-gun Leahy bill, the Senate version of HR 2640, which the House passed when leadership snuck it through . Anti-gun zealots relentlessly push to prohibit more citizens from exercising their Second Amendment right. Your fight against the Leahy bill will prove that you are committed to the Second Amendment.



National Association for Gun Rights

P.O. Box 7002

Fredericksburg, VA 22404



Phone: (888) 874-3006 Toll-Free

Fax: (202) 351-0578

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2nd Amendment RKBA

HR 2640: Consider the source

Recently the NRA  has both denied and defended their support for HR2640, the McCarthy gun control bill that would disarm many in America — including many of our veterans. 

Read more about this bill (sponsored by Democrat Patrick Leahy in the Senate) at:

The following are quotes from other sources on this bill.  That any of these rabid anti-gun members members of Congress support this bill should give cause for pause, but with all of them backing it gun owners should be quite leery.

In a deal brokered by former NRA-board member Rep. John Dingell (D-MI) and blessed by the National Rifle Association, a bill introduced earlier this year by gun control advocate Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) to improve the NICS was modified at the last minute and passed by the House with much fanfare and little outside analysis.
–Josh Sugarmann, Mental Health Gun Bill Has Hidden Problems, The Huffington Post, July 26, 2007

With the NRA on board, the bill, which fixes flaws in the national gun background check system that allowed the Virginia Tech shooter to buy guns despite his mental health problems, has a good chance of becoming the first major gun control law in more than a decade.
— NRA, Democrats Team Up To Pass Gun Bill ,, June 13, 2007

“We ll work with anyone, if you protect the rights of law-abiding people under the second amendment and you target people that shouldn’t have guns,” NRA chief Wayne LaPierre told CBS News Correspondent Sharyl Atkisson.
— NRA, Democrats Team Up To Pass Gun Bill ,, June 13, 2007

“When the NRA and I agree on legislation, you know that it’s going to get through, become law and do some good,” says Schumer.
— NRA, Democrats Team Up To Pass Gun Bill ,, June 13, 2007

(The Politico) On the day President Bush is set to receive a report on April s deadly Virginia Tech shooting, Congress took steps to pass the first piece of federal gun control legislation in 13 years.
–Patrick O’Connor, Schumer Predicts Smooth Senate Sailing For Gun Bill, The Politico, June 13, 2007

“I came to Congress in 1997 in the wake of my own personal tragedy,” she said. “Today&we are one step closer to reducing the needless deaths from gun violence.” (Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.))
–Patrick O’Connor, Schumer Predicts Smooth Senate Sailing For Gun Bill, The Politico, June 13, 2007

Don’t faint, but the National Rifle Association and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence have joined forces behind a bill regulating the sale of firearms.
— Gun reform with NRA blessing, The Denver Post, June 17, 2007

The NRA is the nation’s largest gun-rights group. But its support for the new bill actually reflects the NRA’s long-standing belief that existing gun laws should be enforced before new ones are written. That’s exactly what the McCarthy/ Smith/Dingell bill would do.
— Gun reform with NRA blessing, The Denver Post, June 17, 2007

Also pending in Congress is a Gun Show Loophole Closing Act of 2007, geared to require criminal-background checks for all firearm transactions at events where guns change hands.
This has drawn criticism from groups such as the National Rifle Association-Institute for Legislative Action, which said the measure “masquerades as reform imposing bureaucratic restrictions aimed at shutting down gun shows without fixing real problems.” The NRA, however, has supported some of the proposed federal changes.
–Anna M. Tinsley, Gun control back as national issue, The Seattle Times, August 16, 2007

The difference is that the NRA endorsed the background check improvements, boosting its chances of becoming the first major national gun control law in more than a decade.
–Andrew Taylor of Associated Press, NRA Challenges Gun-Control Democrats,, June 27, 2007

The House voted Wednesday to fix flaws in the national gun background check system that allowed the Virginia Tech shooter to buy guns despite his mental health problems.
The legislation, passed by voice vote, was endorsed by the National Rifle Association, boosting its chances of becoming the first major gun control law in more than a decade.
–Jim Abrams, Associated Press, House Tempers Background Checks for Guns,, June 14, 2007

The NRA worked closely with Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., a gun rights proponent and senior House member, in crafting the new bill. The NRA insisted it was not gun control legislation because it does nothing to restrict legal rights to buy guns.
–Jim Abrams, Associated Press, House Tempers Background Checks for Guns,, June 14, 2007

Senior Democrats have reached agreement with the National Rifle Association on what could be the first federal gun-control legislation since 1994, a measure to significantly strengthen the national system that checks the backgrounds of gun buyers.
–Jonathan Weisman, Democrats, NRA Reach Deal on Background-Check Bill, Washington Post, Sunday, June 10, 2007; Page A02

By contrast, this agreement is a marriage of convenience for both sides. Democratic leaders are eager to show that they can respond legislatively to the Virginia Tech rampage, a feat that GOP leaders would not muster after the 1999 shootings at Columbine High School in Colorado. Meanwhile, the NRA was motivated to show it would not stand in the way of a bill that would not harm law-abiding gun buyers.
–Jonathan Weisman, Democrats, NRA Reach Deal on Background-Check Bill, Washington Post, Sunday, June 10, 2007; Page A02

Now in her fifth term, McCarthy can see the light. Spurred by the massacre of 32 people by a gunman at Virginia Tech in April — and in a rare collaboration with the National Rifle Association — the House passed legislation that would provide money for states to collect and maintain records on the mentally ill, with penalties if states don’t comply.
–Lois Romano, A Long-Sought Advance for a Gun-Control Bid Born of Sorrow , The Washington Post, Jun 14, 2007, A.25

McCarthy said the bill in essence enforces a 1968 gun-control measure that prohibits the sale of firearms to those adjudicated as mentally ill. She gives major credit to Rep. John D. Dingell (D-Mich.), a former NRA board member, for negotiating with the organization, because she was a bit wary.
–Lois Romano, A Long-Sought Advance for a Gun-Control Bid Born of Sorrow , The Washington Post, Jun 14, 2007, A.25

Dudley Brown
Executive Director

Direct Office Line 970-842-3006
Toll-free line     888-874-3006
Mobile Phone       970-396-3006

Rocky Mountain Gun Owners

Colorado’s Largest Gun Rights Organization

PO Box 3006
Brush, Colorado  80723
Phone      (888) 874-3006
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2nd Amendment RKBA

Joaquin Jackson Update

I don’t trust the NRA and I’m a life member but I don’t give them money any more. I just got a card from them endorsing the current mayor of Phoenix who has made Phoenix an illegal alien sanctuary city.. FAR too often the NRA has endorsed people I’d rather spit on than vote for and pushed bills that do more to further restrict our rights than protect them. I believe the second amendment should be just what it says “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. Scott.
2nd Amendment quotes and freedom quotes


Please reply to feedback [at] using appropriate email format. 

    Yesterday I sent out an Alert about NRA Director Joaquin Jackson’s TV interview in which he opined that “assault weapons” were alright if they only had a capacity of 5 rounds.
    This story has actually been bouncing around the internet for a couple of weeks and Ranger Jackson and NRA have released a response to the concerns raised by the story.
    It is very clear in the interview exactly what Jackson is saying and what he means.  Along with some other comments he states;
    “I think these assault weapons basically need to be in the hands of the military and they need to be in the hands of the police, but as far as assault weapons to a civilian, if you& if you& it’s alright if you got that magazine capacity down to five rounds.”

    The interview took place on June 5, 2005 – not long after the Clinton Assault Weapons Ban had been allowed to sunset – so the debate on that issue should have been fairly fresh in Jackson’s mind.
    The interview can be viewed at:
   The pertinent segment is the last one on the page.

    For the record, H. Joaquin Jackson is indeed a sitting member of the NRA Board of Directors.
    A complete listing of NRA Officers and Directors, along with their mailing addresses, was published in the current (September) issue of the NRA magazines.

    A response has been posted on the NRA web site,
that is supposed to have been written by Jackson, but which does not really sound or feel like Jackson.  In that response letter, Jackson – or his ghost writer – claims that the mistake is the viewer’s, not his.  That his only mistake was in not making himself clear that he was talking about hunting and full-auto assault weapons.
    If that is true, then Ranger Jackson was advocating that the police have full-auto weapons and that it is “alright” for civilians to have then as long as the magazine capacity is restricted to only 5 rounds.

    Here is the Statement:

Recently, concerns have been raised in response to statements made by NRA Board Member Joaquin Jackson to Texas Monthly in 2005. We have received questions from NRA members who are seeking clarity as to NRA s positions on the subject matter discussed in Mr. Jackson s interview. To be clear, NRA supports the right of all law-abiding citizens to Keep and Bear Arms for all lawful purposes. We will continue, as we have in the past, to vigorously oppose any efforts to limit gun ownership by law-abiding citizens as an unconstitutional infringement on our Second Amendment freedoms. These efforts include opposition to any attempts to ban firearms, including firearms incorrectly referred to as “assault weapons”, and any attempts to place arbitrary limits on magazine capacity.

For more information on NRA’s legislative efforts to protect and defend the Second Amendment, please visit  and


Recently, some misunderstandings have arisen about a news interview in which I participated a few years ago.  After recently watching a tape of that interview, I understand the sincere concerns of many people, including dear friends of mine.  And I am pleased and eager to clear up any confusion about my long held belief in the sanctity of the Second Amendment.

In the interview, when asked about my views of assault weapons, I was talking about true assault weapons fully automatic firearms.  I was not speaking, in any way, about semiautomatic rifles.  While the media may not understand this critical distinction, I take it very seriously.  But, as a result, I understand how some people may mistakenly take my comments to mean that I support a ban on civilian ownership of semiautomatic firearms.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  And, unfortunately, the interview was cut short before I could fully explain my thoughts and beliefs.

In fact, I am a proud owner of such rifles, as are millions of law-abiding Americans.  And many Americans also enjoy owning fully automatic firearms, after being cleared by a background check and meeting the rigorous regulations to own such firearms.  And these millions of lawful gun owners have every right and a Second Amendment right to own them.

As a hunter, I take great pride in my marksmanship.  Every hunter should practice to be skilled to take prey with a single shot, if possible.  That represents ethical, humane, skilled hunting.  In the interview several years ago, I spoke about this aspect of hunting and my belief that no hunter should take the field and rely upon high capacity magazines to take their prey.

But that comment should never be mistaken as support for the outright banning of any ammunition magazines.  In fact, such bans have been pursued over the years by state legislatures and the United States Congress and these magazine bans have always proven to be abject failures.

Let me be very clear.  As a retired Texas Ranger, during 36 years of law enforcement service, I was sworn to uphold the United States Constitution.  As a longtime hunter and shooter, an NRA Board Member, and as an American I believe the Second Amendment is a sacred right of all law-abiding Americans and, as I stated in the interview in question, I believe it is the Second Amendment that ensures all of our other rights handed down by our Founding Fathers.

I have actively opposed gun bans and ammunition and magazine bans in the past, and I will continue to actively oppose such anti-gun schemes in the future.

I appreciate my friends who have brought this misunderstanding to light, for it has provided me an opportunity to alleviate any doubts about my strong support for the NRA and our Second Amendment freedom.


    Doesn’t that sound more like it was written by a Washington PR suit than a Texas Ranger?
    Regardless of who actually wrote the letter, Jackson’s name is on it.
    As I said in the Alert yesterday, I like and respect Joaquine Jackson.  I am very disappointed that he would take such a misguided and bigoted position on “assault weapons” and even more disappointed that he would choose to try to blame the viewer rather than owning up to his own remarks.  If he thought civilians shouldn’t have “assault weapons” and has now seen the light and changed his position, I could accept and respect that.  Trying to claim that what he very clearly said – and reiterated – is not what he actually meant, I find completely disingenuous.

    I hate having to get into the middle of this at a time when The Firearms Coalition is actively working to bring the gun rights community together, but when you are guided by certain principles, you can not ignore those principles in favor of diplomacy.

    Should Joaquin Jackson be vilified and made a pariah in the gun rights community?  No, absolutely not.  But he should not be a member of the NRA Board of Directors.

Jeff Knox

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2nd Amendment

Citizens Decree to the President of the United States George W. Bush

    Citizens Decree to the President of the United States George W. Bush

    Representative Henry A. Waxman (D-CA)

    These self righteous zealots no longer even attempt to mask their TRUE INTENT: the elimination of the right guaranteed by the second amendment to keep and bear arms. Their own words describe how the Senate and House anti-gun Democrats in leadership positions plan to take away guns from law abiding Americans, just like you and me – thereby eliminating our ability to keep firearms for self-defense and other lawful use.

    Yet these same “servants of the people” have taken NO ACTION to stop illegally armed barbarians from running wild in murderous rampages! What’s more, their words belie how these elitist politicians view YOU as being dangerous to their legislative plans.

    My name is Alan Gottlieb. I am Chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. We are one of America’s most effective grassroots organizations dedicated to preserving your Second Amendment rights.

    Today as I send you this email, we are in a fight-to-the-death battle with Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, the national media, simple minded Hollywood activists and a host of other left leaning elitists who are united in their mission to take away our right to keep and bear arms.

    Chances are you have helped to in the fight against some of these same gun grabbers before. But now we have to fight them all at the same time, as the gun grabbers now control Congress!


    The Citizen’s Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms has two opportunities for you to join us in the effort to make certain that our liberties are not restricted, or eliminated all together:

    1) Sign the CITIZEN’S DECREE, which urges President George W. Bush to…

    VETO every anti-gun or gun banning bill that the gun grabbers who control Congress pass to limit your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms against crime, terrorism and anarchy.


    2) Join or contribute to the Citizen’s Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Only through the contributions of fellow Americans like you can we continue to fight for the preservation of our Constitutional rights.


    As these gun grabber quotes make perfectly clear, the threat we face from the gun control extremists is stronger than ever before. It is simple: the liberal gun grabbers in Congress don’t care about you or your rights. They are DETERMINED to assuage their power and exercise their control, by taking away your second amendment rights to keep and bear arms.

    That’s why they are working night-and-day to win Congressional passage of any and all laws that will force all law abiding Americans to be disarmed. And the only thing that may stand in their way is a veto by the President of the United States.

    Please do not delay – not for a single minute. The anti-gun crowd claims that no law-abiding citizen would ever be harmed by strict new gun laws or bans and that somehow we would be “safer” because of new restrictions on our rights.

    Well, let the gun grabber leftists tell that to…

  • the unarmed motorists who are pulled from their vehicles, savagely beaten and shot;
  • the unarmed homeowners who hide in terror while the police can’t get there in time to protect them from intruders.
  • and the unarmed businessmen who watch their stores and shops looted and lives destroyed by those who have no regard for ANY laws.

My friend, in the wake of all the statistical evidence, can anyone still believe that “banning guns” make us safer? There are currently over twenty thousand gun control laws on the books around the nation. Is our nation any safer because of them? The answer is an emphatic NO!

Ask yourself this simple question: If gun control works – why is Washington D.C., which has outlawed all guns, known as the “murder capital of the world?” The answer is that gun control simply does not and cannot work. And it never will.


Yet, more and more politicians think the way to take guns away from murderers, rapist, and drug dealers is by taking them away from law-abiding citizens like you and me. This would have shocked our Founding Fathers who realized more than 200 hundred years ago that government could never guarantee the safety of all its citizens all of the time – and that self-defense is a God-given right.

That’s why they were very specific in writing the Second Amendment which states,

“…the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”.

Yours. Your children’s. And your grandchildren’s.

Not the government’s…not the liberal media’s…and not Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, Chuck Schumer, Hilary Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, Henry Waxman or scores of other gun grabbers.


That’s why I hope you will immediately sign and return your CITIZEN’S DECREE and join us with your financial support. We MUST make certain that the right of gun ownership is never stolen away.

The gun grabbers are united in the singular goal of denying all honest, law abiding Americans their Second Amendment rights. What’s worse, President Bush has hinted he may actually sign some gun control bills if he wins concessions of other crime and terror related issues! And like the concessions the President made on other issues – that would be a TERRIBLE mistake and would likely have catastrophic results!

For that reason, the Citizen’s Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms intends to flood the White House with a sea of CITIZEN’S DECREES, urging President Bush to veto every anti-gun or gun ban bill passed by the House and Senate. A vote on a dangerous, anti-gun or gun ban bill could come at any time in this explosive political year. That’s why I am pleading with you to sign your CITIZEN’S DECREE today


Please also consider joining the Citizen’s Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and make your most generous contribution to help us with the financial means to keep up the fight. Together, we can preserve our God-given right to own firearms for self-defense and other lawful purposes.


Thank you. I know I can count on you.

Sincerely yours,

Alan M. Gottlieb Chairman, Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

P.S. It’s time we stood up and said enough is enough! Please, sign you CITIZEN’S DECREE and join us with your donation of $20, $25, $50, $100 or more to the Citizen’s Committee to Keep and Bear Arms. Thank you.



< Please e-mail, distribute, and circulate to friends and family >

Copyright © 2007 Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, All Rights Reserved.

Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
James Madison Building
12500 N.E. Tenth Place
Bellevue, WA 98005 Voice: 425-454-4911
Toll Free: 800-426-4302
FAX: 425-451-3959

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2nd Amendment RKBA

Disarmed Victims in Virginia

I was going to write something similar but Jeff Knox says it more eloquently than I would have. If just one person had a Weapon they could have stopped this person. Laws preventing law abiding citizens from carrying weapons for self defense and defending themselves just turn them into victims. Such stupid laws do NOTHING to stop someone like the person who shot up Virginia Tech. A teacher or guard, even a student could have stopped this person if they weren’t prohibited from carrying weapons on campus even if they do have a CCW. Weapons free zones are nothing more than disarmed victims waiting zone. If you think the police are there to protect you this incident should be a lesson to you, they only take reports after the fact..



Please reply to feedback at (using appropriate email

Thirty three dead after shooting rampage at Virginia Tech. All of the
victims were unarmed. The murderer killed himself.
Virginia Tech forbids students and faculty from possessing firearms on
campus, even when they have valid concealed weapons permits.
News is still sketchy but it appears that a lunatic went on a rampage
at Virginia Tech University this morning killing some 32 people before
killing himself. Early reports indicate that the shooting started shortly
after 7:00 this morning in a co-ed dormitory housing some 800
students. The gunman avoided apprehension after that incident and it is
speculated that the same gunman then walked into a classroom building two
hours later and began shooting students in classrooms.
Reports indicate that the gunman first chained the doors to the building
from the inside and was wearing a vest with numerous magazines attached to
it. The only firearms mentioned in any of the reports were two 9mm
handguns supposedly carried by the gunman, but those reports are so far
The campus Police Chief says that officers entered the buildings
immediately upon arrival but that there was never any exchange of gunfire
between the gunman and police.

The Virginia Citizens Defense League has sponsored legislation in the
last two sessions of the Virginia legislature aimed at forcing state
schools like Virginia Tech to abandon their policy of forbidding students
and faculty from possessing guns on campus. Representatives of the
colleges argued that their campuses were safe and have little crime…
As always happens in incidents like this, the media is casting about
for someone or something to blame for this tragedy other than the
criminal. Most of the criticism so far has been pointed toward the schools
response to the first shootings. They are asking questions like, “Why
wasn’t the campus locked down at that time?” and “Why weren’t students
notified not to go to classes?”. So far no one in the mainstream media has
asked the question we want answered: “Why do you force law-abiding students
to disarm when on campus?”
When asked what could be done to avert a tragedy like this, the
president of the University responded that, “We obviously can’t have an
armed guard in front of every classroom every day.” To which the Firearms
Coalition responds: If you admit that you can’t protect people, why do you
insist on taking away people’s ability to protect themselves?
Eyewitness accounts of the shooting suggest that the shooter was firing
very rapidly, precluding any opportunity for students to overwhelm him with
force and numbers. The only thing that could have mitigated this tragedy
would have been one or more persons armed with firearms within close
proximity when the shooting started.
Instead of pointing out this simple, practical truth, it won’t be long
until the media takes up the cries that have already begun from the
anti-gun forces and start blaming the tools and using this tragedy as an
excuse to pursue more restrictions on firearms. It is up to the pro-gun
majority to bring this back to the facts of personal protection – that an
individual’s security is that individual’s responsibility and it is
inexcusable for anyone to ever take away anyone else’s right to their
chosen means of affecting that protection.

We will keep you posted as this story develops.

Yours for the Second Amendment,

Jeff Knox
Director of Operations
The Firearms Coalition

This is the Firearms Coalition Alerts list. It is never sent without a
subscription and confirmation. To unsubscribe, follow the link below. To
change your address, unsubscribe your existing address and resubscribe from
the new one.

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[Fcalerts-list] NRA BoD Recommendations

Please reply to feedback at (using appropriate email

Well it’s that time of year again and those of you who are Life Members or
have been regular members of NRA for five or more consecutive years should
have received the “Ballot Issue” of your NRA magazine this week.

We are receiving a lot of requests for recommendations of who to vote for
and so we respond with the following based on the principle that Change is

History tells us that all, or almost all of the current Board Members
running will be reelected, making it highly unlikely that more than two or
three new members can win and those that do are almost guaranteed to be
among those nominated by the Nominating Committee.

That being the case, we recommend that you “bullet vote”, casting your
ballot with as few as just one, but no more than three or four names
marked. For a variety of reasons, we recommend you vote only for candidates
you personally know and respect and one or all of the following three well
qualified candidates:

Johnny Nugent is highly recommended by activists in his home state of

Curtis Jenkins receives similar endorsement from our friends in Georgia

David Jones has been a prominent activist and leader in Missouri for
many years

We are voting for only those three.

If you feel you must vote for more than just three, other candidates who
are not current members of the Board include:

Charles Fox
Steven Schreiner
Fred Edgecomb
Cleta Mitchell
Al Cardenas
James Dark
Ken Elliott

Please do not vote for any of the several long-time members of the Board
and celebrities that are up for reelection. Skip the old standards in favor
of a few new faces.

Please share this information – post it on forums, in gun shops and at
ranges, e-mail it to your NRA friends.

The Board of Directors is supposed to set policy and hold staff accountable
for following those policies; instead the Board is being managed by the
staff. Every new face elected to the Board offers the potential for a shift
away from that status quo.

We hope you find this helpful.

Yours for the Second Amendment,

The Knox Crew
Neal Knox Associates
The Firearms Coalition

This is the Firearms Coalition Alerts list. It is never sent without a
subscription and confirmation. To unsubscribe, follow the link below. To
change your address, unsubscribe your existing address and resubscribe from
the new one.

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2nd Amendment RKBA

The People’s Right to Keep and Bear Arms

The People’s Right to Keep and Bear Arms

You will be told that the second amendment is about militias, but it is not and that is an intentional lie. It was written to protect the right of the people to defend themselves and have an armed populous to defend the country from foreign and internal threats to our liberty, I.E. the Government trying to take away our Rights.

This amendment uses the word People I.E. you and I, the same as it does in every case that it is used in the Bill of Rights and Constitution, it means the common citizens. The founders were clear when they meant State I.E. Government and when they meant People. They did not give the right to the government at any level to regulate your right to self defense or to keep and bear arms, they in fact wrote that it “Shall not be infringed“.

It is no coincidence that the right to keep and bear arms comes right after the right to free speech. When we lose these rights and the others in the Bill of Rights will shortly follow, and we will be no longer a free people.

Without the right to bear arms to defend ourselves and our rights, we have no rights! Are we free people today? Our rights have been so infringed by government because we keep demanding more of government that it is debatable if we are free now. Read the Bill of Rights and Constitution for yourself and see how frequently it is violated and ignored by our government from the Federal Government on down to the local level. It is vital to the future freedom of this country and our posterity that we know our rights as protected by the Constitution and Bill of Rights and vote to defend them.

The answer to violence and crime is not to ban guns or other weapons. We have literally thousands of gun laws which largely are not enforced well, if at all. It is illegal to murder someone, do we need more laws specifying it is illegal to murder someone with a weapon as well? (I oppose hate crimes for the same reason.) In many locations in this county you can not have a gun in your home to defended yourself. Much less carry one in your car or on you as I do here in Arizona to defend against car jackers and other assailants. Is it any wonder that crime and murder are rampant in these areas? Such areas are easy pickings for the criminals who don’t obey the laws anyway, because they know their victims have been disarmed by the government for them.. In nearly every state it is illegal to shoot a burglar even in your own home unless you are threatened with harm or death and can not get away..

Someone breaking into to your home is not threat enough? It is mind boggling. You may or may not be prosecuted for shooting a burglar depending on the views of the prosecutor in your area. Then, thanks to lawyers, you might be sued by the burglar or his family for injuring him, pain and suffering, depriving him of his livelihood. You think I’m joking? They have done it and won several times!

The answer to crime is to punish criminals severely for crimes. I strongly support capital punishment, I do not believe we should intern any criminal for life at tax payer expense. If they are so bad we must lock them away for life to protect society from them, then they should be put to death. If they take a life or use a gun in the commission of a violent crime they should be put to death. The idiots who want to ban guns will say their efforts have reduced crime. Utter lies, crime is going down because more and more states are keeping criminals behind bars with truth in sentencing and three strikes laws. The more criminals behind bars, the less crimes they commit, how much more simple could it be? The majority of crimes are committed by repeat criminals, something like 60% of all crimes. Crime is also going down because more states are allowing (imaging that, allowing you to exercise your God given right to defend yourself..), citizens in good standing to pay a tax (I.E. license) so they can carry a concealed weapon to defend themselves.

It has been proven conclusively that the more lax the gun laws a locality has and the more citizens carrying weapons to defend themselves, the less violent crime there is. The inverse is true also, the more strict the gun laws the more violent crime and murders there are. This is because criminals are cowards and attack the easiest prey they can find. They most definitely don’t want to go after someone who can defend themselves and possibly hurt or kill them.

Accidents? Truth be told accidents with guns have been going down for decades. The reason why is education, yet the gun banning idiots claim gun education promotes gun violence. We teach children to be safe with matches, hot stoves, etc. Why do we not teach children how to be safe with guns? The NRA Eddie Eagle education program teaches very simple rules to children. If they find a gun they are not to touch it and to find an adult and tell them about it. It is frequently opposed by liberal fools because it has to do with guns and is taught by the NRA.. If we are to ban guns to “Save The Children” (a favorite refrain of reactionary, emotional, fools), should not we also ban cars, swimming pools, bicycles, dogs, etc., which each kill and maim far more children than guns do every year? Opps, I almost forgot there are some liberal fools out there trying to do just that too…

My interest in guns? I like to target shoot and I carry a pistol for self defense most of the time. I started carrying after a shoot out between two cars in the parking lot of the apartment complex I used to live in, in a reasonably nice neighborhood. A couple months later I was shot at in south Phoenix, likely by some gang members. They were following me on the highway I-10 and I pulled off on to surface streets around Thomas and 27th Ave to verify this, then tried to loose them on side streets. I am a very good driver and when I was so far ahead of them I started to loose them, they turned sideways at a T in the street and fired one shot which went through the rear window of the camper shell of the red lowered Toyota Pickup I had as my company vehicle at the time. This came from my boss’s son after his divorce and was popular with the gangs back then, it attracted way too much attention all the time. From there the bullet went though a box, a plastic tool box and passed between where the camper rests on the bed frame and the bottom of the camper, hitting the rear of the cab behind my right shoulder, stopping after leaving a big dent in the metal. The car was a white late 80’s Mustang with dark tinted windows so I never saw them and they were always behind me so no plate number. The police think it was a 9 mm handgun. Which was one of the reasons I bought a 40 Caliber Glock 23, also the police are carrying the same caliber which was a shortened version of the10 mm the FBI was carrying in the 80’s.

Several years ago, about 1 A.M. (I’m a night person) I left my apartment complex to mail some bills that needed to be off right away so they would go out at the 6 am pickup at the post office half a mile away. When I came back about ten minutes later the parking lot was filled with police, Fire Dept. and neighbors. In the short time I was gone, one of the neighbors had caught someone breaking into his truck and they murdered him by shooting him in the head when he confronted them unarmed. Unarmed = Victim.. I won’t be a victim, don’t be one yourself!

If we allow the liberals to keep passing stupid gun laws, some day you will be a criminal just because you own a shotgun, rifle or a handgun to protect your home, hunt with or target shoot. There are already liberal controlled cities (in America, the land of the Free and home of the Brave??) where if you have an unregistered gun you are a criminal just for possessing
it. Have no doubt many liberal idiots want only the police to have guns and have publicly said so, even then they don’t really trust the police with them either.. There is no question they want to take away your rights to arm and defend yourself and your family. They don’t Trust you! You Must not trust them! Say NO! to more gun laws! Be involved, write your congressmen and senators to tell them you are opposed to any bill that infringes on your right to bear arms.. Tell them you are opposed any federal crime bill, crime is a local issue, best dealt with at a local level. Elect people who will support your rights and do your best to remove from office those who won’t.

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