Climate Change Politics

Wind power

On a whim after doing a survey for Harris about wind and Solar power I Googled Wind Power and came up with this article at :: Industrial Wind Energy Opposition

This is a brief over view and then the full article with cite’s to supporting material.

Brief account of the problems with industrial wind power generation   

The Full ArticleA Problem With Wind Power

A brief summery of what he says is that wind power causes more problems than it solves, doesn’t produce it’s claimed benefits or even a fraction of it’s promised power and most nations that have been using it are stopping because of the problems. One of the bigger problems is the wind doesn’t blow reliably and rarely when we need the power the most so they haven’t reduced the need for even one conventional power plant.
Anyone who tells you wind power is great and we need it is lying to you or just plain ignorant of the facts.  The best answer to our electricity needs is nuclear power. Even the Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger admitted the need for it in his plan to convert California to “green power” that is going to cost the state and consumers billions of dollars.  I saw it in his speech last year, but couldn’t find it on YouTube..

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Climate Change

Global climate change is a scam

This started off in response to comments on an article I DIGGed. There are a lot of idiots on DIGG pushing Global warming and calling anyone who disputes their so called theory deniers.

I have plenty of facts that Global warming is a hoax as do all of us who KNOW that global warming/climate change is a scam and the only people claiming it exists stand to profit from making us change our life styles or are their blind followers. Which are you? If you believe in Global warming because leftist media or school teachers told it’s a fact, Where are their facts? All made up, distortions and outright lies. It is a THEORY and theories are open to question and change all the time. These are the same people who were telling us climate theory said we were going to have another ice age in the early 1970s.

Owl Gore is the biggest hypocrite and liar around, he is one of the biggest personal users of energy in Tennessee, has a mine (believe it is Nickel but not sure) on his property that is on the EPA clean up list and is a major seller of “carbon Credits”. GE makes CFL lights, wind turbines, selling Carbon Credits and is HEAVILY supporting climate change and a MAJOR supporter of Obama and others who are trying to push this lie on you. see GE’s incestuous relationship with Obama

Now Oboma and the Democrats in Congress Pelosie and Reed are trying to push through carbon taxes which will drive your energy costs through the roof. Oboma has been quoted as saying he wanted to see gas/fuel prices over $5 a gallon so you would have to give up your cars and use public transportation when he was a senator. I though he said he wasn’t going to raise your taxes.. Also said his administration and bills would be transparent and open and published on the Internet for what was it 15 days? So You the public can see what is going on. Then why are they trying rush all this legislation through with out publishing it on the Internet where you can see it and passing it in the middle of the night when even your congress persons have not READ WHAT THEY ARE VOTING ON. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!! They are trying to take control of everything from banking, insurance, auto industry, energy and now your health care. If that isn’t socialism then what is? Socialism has failed every where it has been implemented. Name me one thing government does well. Well!? Social Security is going broke, Medicare is nearly broke and full of corruption, the veterans administration has terrible health care and you want these people to “fix the heath care crisis” they claim exists? Our government controlled schools suck, they don’t teach they brain wash kids with liberal ideals. I could go on and on about how about everything the government does sucks but I’m getting off track here. There isn’t ONE thing government has ever done that hasn’t been extremely more expensive than what they said it would be in the beginning. Oboma has already doubled the deficit since he has been in office and if everything they have passed so far is implemented will spend more money we don’t have than ALL the presidents before him combined and he’s still spending more!! The Democrats are running the economy with all this spending and are destroying the value of the dollar by printing money to cover their insane spending spree. We are so far in debt that China and the middle east don’t want give us any more credit!

Here are some links that show Global Warming/Global Climate Change is all a scam and a lie.

Global Warming Petition Project 31,478 American scientists have signed this petition, including 9,029 with PhDs denying global warming.

Global Warming Fraud’s Channel

Harmful Man Induced Climate Change Refuted

The Global Warming Hoax

Global Climate Scam

Ponder the Maunder


Pain in Maine, but they can measure rain

How not to measure temperature, part 22

Surface Stations, Climate Stations records and Surveys

Several of the links document how poorly sited the stations which are saying there is any warming going on. Next to AC units, in parking lots and other artificial heat sources, not anywhere close to the specifications for correctly measuring temperature. It is a fact for the last few years we have been experiencing global COOLING. The earths climate changes because of the SUN primarily, not anything man is doing. The sun as been at solar minimum for the last few years and has had a lack of sun spots not seen in decades.
global climate change

Scott’s Weather Station

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driving Economy

Energy Independence and other issues.

The reason you are paying over $4 a gallon for gas and our other energy costs are going through the roof is Congress! It isn’t George Bush’s fault, it is no coincidence that since the liberal Democrats took over both the House and Senate that our gas prices have almost doubled since. Also our economy has been going down because they have been down taking it down since Bush was elected president and they accused him of talking down the economy when he pointed out the problems cause by 8 years of the Clintons and the largest tax increase in history they brought us when he was running for office.
If you think the economy is bad now elect Obama and see what happens.. From what I hear from him “change” is to raise the taxes on everything! If you are barely getting by now wait until he raises taxes on energy, income, social security, medicare and then passes socialized medical care. It will totally collapse our economy. The reason medical care is so expensive is government has mandated hospitals give treatment to everyone who can’t or don’t want to pay for it, including millions of illegals which has about bankrupted the emergency rooms here in Arizona and forced the closing of a couple of them. They mandate what doctors will get for medicare which isn’t enough. This forces doctors and hospitals to pass on these unmet expenses to us in order to stay in business. My 90 year old grand parents just had to be moved out of the long term hospital care because the hospital wasn’t getting enough from medicare to keep the unit open and was loosing millions of dollars a year. There isn’t ONE damn thing the federal government does right or well and you want to put them in charge of your medical care??? Look what they have done with social insecurity and medicare! There isn’t anything the government can give you that they didn’t take away from you or someone else in the first place and the vast majority of people get back far less than is taken from them. There isn’t the constitutional authority to do most of what they are doing in the first place and the things they should be doing like protecting our boarders they are not doing.
The only people who pay taxes are the end consumer of the product or service that is taxed. If you raise the taxes on the “evil oil companies” they have to pass on the increased cost of business to the people who buy their products. If they didn’t they would eventually go out of business. You can not sell products for what they cost to make or less and make a profit that keeps your business operating. If you have a 401K or other retirement or investing plan you own a portion of oil and other business, if the business in your portfolio aren’t making a profit, neither are you on your investments. Anything government does to affect their profits affects YOU! If you think you are under taxed you are an idiot.

Back to energy, this is what I started to write about (I could rant about the problems with our government all day..) This is an excerpt from Glenn Beck’s website that was in his email news letter tonight. Glenn is about the only one on TV (CNN afternoons) that is telling it like it is. I don’t care for his radio show much but you HAVE TO WATCH HIS TV SHOW!! Thank God for PVR’s (hard drive based VCR with out the Video tape, I do have full time 48+ hour job) He is talking to Representative Chris Cannon from Utah’s 3rd congressional district.


Glenn Beck: Oil shale the answer?

“GLENN: All right. So what is the — your bill takes all of the burden out of congress and puts it on the President’s desk?

CONGRESSMAN CANNON: Well, yeah. He is the executive and what it does is it gives him the ability to cut through seven years and make that seven weeks and so you sit down and you say, what do we need to do to protect the environment and what’s the process we’re going to use. And there are various processes that are very different and they are going to have different constraints. But then you give the President the authority to come to a conclusion and give a permit in a short time and then you monitor, see what’s going on. You may have to adjust that permit over time but at least you get people producing oil.
” ” “..

GLENN: Yet the will in congress is not. I’ve got a guy here who’s been waiting for a while to talk on the air and I’m going to put him on the air. His question is don’t you think that congress is intentionally trying to sabotage our economy for the election. Give me a reason here, Chris, why congress is doing the things that they’re doing. Why are they doing this? This is not in our economic long-term health by any stretch of the imagination to keep us shackled to terror states.

CONGRESSMAN CANNON: Yes, Saudi Arabia funding Al-Qaeda, Iran funding Hezbollah, Hamas. Human events had an article two weeks ago about an Iranian funded terrorist camp in the Venezuela. You know, we’re paying these people to undermine our interests and we’re propping up a —

GLENN: So what is stopping the congress? What is the motivation of congress to not free our hands?

CONGRESSMAN CANNON: Well, if you look at the numbers, they’re fascinating. The bulk of Republicans will vote to drill in ANWR, to drill in the continent she will, to drill in the Midwest to drill for shale. About 90%, in some cases a little more, a little less of Democrats vote against that and with the reps cans who vote against this and the Democrats who vote against this, we’ve not been able to get those things passed. We passed the right — there’s a prohibition against drilling in the Alaskan national wildlife preserve but we have to overcome what’s positive law. We passed that in the House a couple of times and the Senate actually passed it as well but the times we passed it in the House and the Senate didn’t pass it, then we had problems with a potential candidate being the critical vote there. So we have to get — the American people have got to express themselves on this issue and we’re about to put up a website called I think it’s up yet but we want the American people to be saying we want a dollar, a dollar and a quarter gas. That’s where it ought to be. And if we were producing our own gas, our own oil out of our own resource here in America, one, we would have cheaper gas. And two, we wouldn’t be funding our enemies.

GLENN: Chris Cannon from the great state of Utah. Thank you very much. We’ll look at the bill. What is the bill number?

CONGRESSMAN CANNON: Oh, it’s — I think it’s 6811, but I apologize.”



Another Glenn article on energy.
Glenn Beck: Time to drill!!

Here is some thing you can do to encourage congress to quit screwing around and do something about our ever increasing energy costs.

Drill Here. Drill Now. Pay Less.
A Real Change Campaign to Lower Your Gas Prices petition
Drill Here. Drill Now. Pay Less petition

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driving Economy

the Affordable Gas Price Act

I’ve been meaning to write about this lately, the following email from I got is correct. The reason gas prices are so high is speculators, demand has driven the price of a barrel of crude oil way up and our damn government. If anyone is making a killing on oil it is the people supply the crude and Government! How come we have falling bridges and crappy roads when they are taxing us so much on fuel and our cars?

Last night one of my local news casts broke down the costs per dollar of gas.

75¢ Crude oil
17¢ Taxes
13¢ Distribution
5¢ Local gas stations

Obviously these are averages as some states have higher taxes and some gas stations make more. I don’t understand why anyone would think electing more democrats to office will do anything but further raise gas prices and ruin our economy. They ran saying they would lower energy costs and they have instead nearly doubled since they have taken control of Congress. It is no wonder since they oppose any use of domestic crude. WE have proven reserves in Alaska, the Rocky Mountains in the form of oil shell and in the Gulf coast. They say we can’t drill off our coast so Cuba and China are doing it and reaping the rewards!

A couple of weeks ago a friend sent me a long email about India using compressed cars, I quoted this line and answered below

What an idea! Compressed air will provide the needed energy to drive these Cars.

But where do you get the energy to compress the air? Same with electric cars, or convert water to hydrogen? I’ve yet to see an “alt fuels” idea that will fix the problems we have. Especially when electric companies are asking us to cut usage by using CFL’s and turning up our AC. Power and Water are about the only industries that ask us to cut back instead of producing more to meet demand which would be more profits for them. Water I understand why, but why aren’t we building our electric grid bigger? Why is China and Cuba drilling for Oil in the gulf but we can’t? If you want cheaper energy don’t vote for Democrats! If you want a better economy vote the tax and spenders out of office.
I will also add to that converting food to fuel is driving up the cost of food. It’s great for the corn farmers but it bad for the rest of us and is causing corn shortages for food world wide. It is a stupid idea and is not sustainable on a large scale.

This CONSERVATIVE ALERT is a special message from

Congress is Refusing to Consider Bill to Bring Gas Prices Down — Click Below to Tell YOUR Rep. to Co-Sponsor the Affordable Gas Price Act:

ALERT: Well, gas has finally hit over four dollars a gallon where I live. And it doesn’t look like these rising prices are going to slow down any time soon.

If this keeps up, the American economy will be devastated.

So what does Congress do about this crisis? One group blames OPEC and Venezuela, calling for us to “fight back” against them — which will only lead to retaliation and higher prices. Another group blames the oil companies, calling for a massive “windfall profits” tax hike on them — which will only be passed on to consumers and lead to higher prices. Still other groups blame Americans themselves, and call for extreme restrictive conservation measures to be mandated on “oil-hungry” citizens.

And nothing gets done. And gas prices keep shooting up.

Plus, these big government solutions will, at best, prove ineffective and, at worst, bring back the fuel shortages and gas lines of the seventies.

Over a year ago, legislation was introduced that would not only counter the extreme environmentalism of the liberals, it would also counter the government’s own inflationary monetary policies that have led directly to the crisis we’re facing today.

That’s right. As usual, the government doesn’t have a solution to the problem — the government IS the problem!

House bill H.R. 2415, short-titled the “Affordable Gas Price Act,” was introduced on May 21, 2007. The official title of the bill states its purpose:

“To reduce the price of gasoline by allowing for offshore drilling, eliminating Federal obstacles to constructing refineries and providing incentives for investment in refineries, suspending Federal fuel taxes when gasoline prices reach a benchmark amount, and promoting free trade.”

So for over a year now, Congress has had available to them legislation that reduces gas prices by reforming government polices that artificially inflate the price of gas.

And not one of them has even had the guts to sign on as a co-sponsor.

THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS. It’s time our “representatives” are FORCED to stand up and do the right thing, instead of posturing and posing for the cameras while the rest of us are struggling to decide between eating and putting gas in the tank.

So WE need to do the FORCING!

TAKE ACTION: We don’t need more “big government solutions” — we need common-sense solutions that will bring back sanity to our energy policies. Instead of expanding government, Congress should repeal federal laws and polices that raise the price of gas, either directly through taxes or indirectly though regulations that discourage the development of new fuel sources.

These Congress-critters should also get off of their ideological high horses, and allow Americans to enjoy the benefits of free trade with oil-producing nations that are now restricted by misguided and outdated trade polices, which are also artificially raising the price of gas.

Congress needs to STOP ignoring this bill, which could finally bring gas prices down while also addressing the root causes of government-induced economic crises like this one. Please click below NOW to send a FREE message directly to your Representative, and DEMAND that he or she become a co-sponsor of H.R. 2415, the “Affordable Gas Price Act,” TODAY:


William Greene, President

P.S.: The likelihood that this common-sense bill will advance beyond the committee stage and be voted on by the House increases in proportion to the number of cosponsors it has! Be sure to send this Alert to EVERYONE you know who wants to DEMAND that members of Congress finally get off of their rear ends and bring gas prices down. Thank you!


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