
FW: I carry a gun because a cop is too heavy.

—– Original Message —–

Sent: Monday, June 29, 2009 2:47 PM
Subject: I carry a gun because a cop is too heavy.

Clint Smith, Director of Thunder Ranch, is part drill instructor, and part stand up comic. Here are a few of his observations on tactics, firearms, self defense and life as we know it in the civilized world.

“The handgun would not be my choice of weapon if I knew I was going to a fight…I’d choose a rifle, a shotgun, an RPG or an atomic bomb instead.”

“The two most important rules in a gunfight are: always cheat and always win.”

“Every time I teach a class, I discover I don’t know something.”

“Don’t forget, incoming fire has the right of way.”

“Make your attacker advance through a wall of bullets. I may get killed with my own gun, but he’s gonna have to beat me to death with it, cause it’s going to be empty.”

“If you’re not shootin’, you should be loadin’. If you’re not loadin, you should be movin’, if you’re not movin’, someone’s gonna cut your head off and put it on a stick.”

“When you reload in low light encounters, don’t put your flashlight in your back pocket. If you light yourself up, you’ll look like an angel or the tooth fairy…and you’re gonna be one of ’em pretty soon.”

“Do something. It may be wrong, but do something.”

“Nothing adds a little class to a sniper course like a babe in a Ghilliesuit.”

“Shoot what’s available, as long as it’s available, until something else becomes available.”

“If you carry a gun, people will call you paranoid. That’s ridiculous…if I have a gun, what in the hell do I have to be paranoid for?”

“Don’t shoot fast, shoot good.”

“You can say ‘stop’ or ‘alto’ or use any other word you think will work but I’ve found that a large bore muzzle pointed at someone’s head is pretty much the universal language.”

“You have the rest of your life to solve your problems. How long you live depends on how well you do it.”

“You cannot save the planet. You may be able to save yourself and your family.”

“Thunder Ranch will be here as long as you’ll have us or until someone makes us go away and either way it will be exciting.”

More Excellent Gun Wisdom… The purpose of fighting is to win.
There is no possible victory in defense. The sword is more important than the shield, and skill is more important than either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental.

1. Don’t pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he’ll just kill you.

2. If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck.

3. I carry a gun cause a cop is too heavy.

4. When seconds count, the cops are just minutes away.

5. A reporter did a human-interest piece on the Texas Rangers. The reporter recognized the Colt Model 1911 the Ranger was carrying and asked him ‘Why do you carry a 45?’ The Ranger responded, ‘Because they don’t make a 46.’

6. An armed man will kill an unarmed man with monotonous regularity.

7. The old sheriff was attending an awards dinner when a lady commented on his wearing his sidearm. ‘Sheriff, I see you have your pistol. Are you expecting trouble?’ ‘No ma’am. If I were expecting trouble, I would have brought my rifle.’

8. Beware the man who only has one gun. He probably knows how to use it!

If you believe in the 2nd Amendment, please forward.

‘The true Soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.’ -G. K. Chesterton

A people that values its privileges above its principles will soon lose both.

‘Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not.’

‘I was once asked by a lady visiting if I had a gun in the house.
To which I said I did. She said, “Well, I certainly hope it isn’t loaded!”
To which I said, “of course it is loaded, can’t work without bullets…”
She then asked, “Are you that afraid of someone evil coming into your house?”
My reply was, “No, not at all. I am not afraid of the house catching afire either, but I have fire extinguishers around and THEY ARE ALL LOADED.” ‘

Scott’s website
Scott Blog

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National Training Week July 4-11th


Celebrate the Fourth of July with
Fireworks, Firearms and Freedom
Good Americans Are Good Marksmen
include some range time in your Independence Day plans!

National Training Week is endorsed by:
Congressman John Shadegg
The Second Amendment Foundation
The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
The Firearms Coalition (Neal Knox’s group)
Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform
Skip Coryell, founder of the Second Amendment March
Gun Owners of America
The Appleseed Project

(This list is growing faster than our ability to update it;
groups that support gun rights and training recognize the value.)

Memo to Gun Clubs & Gun Ranges:


Dear Range Owner,

The week of July 4th is being established as National Training Week, a time when all good Americans go to ranges nationwide and enjoy the shooting sports.

This is a promotional and business-building opportunity for you, and a chance for the nation to rise up as one and exercise the right to keep and bear arms.

The event is strictly voluntary, it costs you virtually nothing to participate, and you will attract new customers and a revenue stream by climbing on board.

1. Tell your employees to talk up National Training Week, July 4 to July 11, Saturday to Saturday, and post the fliers linked at the end of this letter.

2. Offer your standard handgun rentals for one hour at no charge that’s the big draw, people get to try out firearms they haven’t fired. It costs you almost nothing, and customers use range time and ammo at normal prices or offer discounts if you really want to increase your crowd.

3. Schedule classes, have instructors available on site, make sure you have supplies on hand (including some books!), and add any other promo and PR you like to increase your draw.

It s easy, it s coordinated nationwide, national news outlets are being approached for coverage… put up the signs, tell your clients, go for it!

Good Americans are good marksmen.
Safe gun handling is everybody s business.


July 4 to July 11, 2009
Saturday to Saturday

1-hour FREE Handgun Rentals!
Special classes for newcomers!
Instructors on site!
Easy lessons for first-time gun owners!

As part of the national campaign to improve marksmanship and gun safety across America, our range is offering FREE handgun rentals this is your chance to try out a new firearm, get in some range time, sharpen your skills, and exercise your right to keep and bear arms! Don t miss this great opportunity!

We ll be offering special classes for people who are new to firearms, safety instructions for parents, special attention for youngsters, even advanced classes for highly skilled shooters. Mark your calendar make sure you visit us during 4th of July week and add firearms to the fireworks of this great American holiday!


Come Celebrate
here at our range!

July 4 to July 11, 2009
Saturday to Saturday

1-hour FREE Handgun Rentals!
Special classes for newcomers!
Instructors on site!
Easy lessons for first-time gun owners!

As part of the national campaign to improve marksmanship and gun safety across America,
our range is offering FREE handgun rentals
this is your chance to try out a new firearm,
get in some range time, sharpen your skills,
and exercise your right to keep and bear arms!

We ll be offering special classes for people who are new to firearms, safety instructions for parents, special attention for youngsters, even advanced classes for highly skilled shooters.

Mark your calendar make sure you visit us during
4th of July week and add firearms to the fireworks
of this great American holiday!

Want to do something to defend your rights?
Invite a friend, especially a newcomer, to go to the range with you

< Please e-mail, distribute, and circulate to friends and family >

Copyright © 2009 Second Amendment Foundation, All Rights Reserved.

Second Amendment Foundation
James Madison Building
12500 N.E. Tenth Place
Bellevue, WA 98005 Voice: 425-454-7012
Toll Free: 800-426-4302
FAX: 425-451-3959

Scott’s website
Scott Blog

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2nd Amendment

National Geographic TV Takes Aim At Your Guns

National Geographic TV Takes Aim At Your Guns

Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

National Geographic Channel ran a show last night entitled, “Gun In
America.” According to the program, there are millions of misguided
gun owners across the nation. Why? Because your guns are supposedly
more likely to harm you than to help you in an emergency.

“As a society, we’re totally out of control with weapons,” said one
Philadelphia cop who was interviewed during the show. “You need to
limit access that people have to these type of firearms.”

That was the basic thrust of the program. National Geographic
recited the usual worn-out factoids that are peddled by the Brady
Campaign. It only cited anti-gun cops. And for every person who was
filmed stating he or she believed in a right to own firearms for
self-defense, the program would cite “facts” to prove that such a
hope was misplaced.

Gun owners should let the President and CEO of National Geographic
know that the channel should stick to showing pictures of kangaroos
and foliage — images that we normally attribute to National
Geographic’s magazine — and keep his personal, anti-gun views to his
private conversations around the Christmas dinner table.

The National Geographic Channel presents itself as an educational,
unbiased alternative. But “Guns in America” was hardly unbiased, as
can be seen by the following agenda items that were pushed during the

  1. “Guns in America” would have you believe that the guns in your
    home are 22 times more likely to kill a family member than to protect
    you. This statistic can (surprise, surprise!) be found on the Brady
    Campaign website, but its source has been highly discredited. The
    factoid originates with Arthur Kellerman, who has generated multiple
    studies claiming that guns are a net liability.(1) But Kellerman has
    been found guilty of fudging his data, and even the National Academy
    of Sciences has stated that his “conclusions do not seem to follow”
    from his data.(2)

The truth of the matter is actually quite encouraging for gun owners.
Anti-gun researchers for the Clinton Justice Department found that
guns are used 1.5 million times annually for self-defense, which
means that each year, firearms are used more than 50 times more often
to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives.(3)

Isn’t that strange? You would think anti-gunners wouldn’t mind
citing a study that was commissioned by the Clinton Justice
Department! Apparently, the results of the study didn’t fit their

  1. “Guns in America” overstates the number of children who die by
    unintentional gunfire. The program would have viewers believe that a
    child dies by accidental gunfire, once every two days. But you can
    only reach that figure if you count violent-prone teens as

In fact, when you look at the statistics involving younger children
(ages 0-14), you see that kids have a greater chance of dying from
choking on things like the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that
you feed them.(4) Hmm, why doesn’t National Geographic want to
report on those killer peanuts?

  1. “Guns in America” portrays twelve times as many negative uses of
    guns as positive uses — even though in the real world, the truth is
    quite the opposite (as guns are used at least 50 times more often to
    save life than take life). The program does start with a
    dramatization of a legitimate self-defense story with an actual 911
    call playing in the background. But after that, every dramatization
    is about drive-by-shootings or cops being shot or gang-related

The lesson for the viewer is: Guns are bad.

  1. “Guns in America” only quotes anti-gun “authorities,” thus leaving
    the impression that all law-enforcement support gun control. Never
    mind the fact that when one looks at polls of the police community,
    they overwhelmingly hold pro-gun attitudes:
  • Should any law-abiding citizen be able to purchase a firearm for
    sport or self defense? — 93% of law-enforcement said yes.(5)
  • Do you believe law-abiding citizens should be limited to the
    purchase of no more than one firearm per month? — 70.1% of
    law-enforcement said no.(6)
  • Do you agree that a national concealed handgun permit would reduce
    rates of violent crime as recent studies in some states have already
    reflected? — 68.2% of law-enforcement said yes.(7)

It’s bad enough that a liberal teacher’s union controls the education
of our kids in the public schools, and that many of them are being
brainwashed with politically correct thinking. We don’t need
supposedly neutral programs like National Geographic peddling the
Brady Campaign’s favorite factoids to an unsuspecting public.

ACTION: Please contact Tim T. Kelly, the President and CEO of
National Geographic Ventures (which includes their television
division), and urge him to steer the NatGeo channel away from
politics. If the National Geographic Channel can’t run a balanced
program — where they use real statistics — then they just need to
stick to filming those cute little animals that helped make their
magazine so famous.

You can go to
to cut-and-paste the sample letter below into their webform. Since
you will need to select a Topic, please choose “I have a complaint.”
And for “Department,” we would suggest selecting “Factual Questions”
or “General.”

—- Pre-written letter —-

Dear Mr. Kelly:

I will think twice before ordering the National Geographic magazine,
because I don’t want to help you fund any more anti-gun propaganda.
Your Explorer show entitled “Guns In America” — which has run
several times this month — was heavily slanted to the gun control
position. The show used fallacious statistics without rebutting
them, all in an effort to demonize firearms.

For example, “Guns in America” falsely claimed that guns in the home
are 22 times more likely to kill a family member than to serve as
protection. That is simply not true. The author of this study,
Arthur Kellerman, has been discredited many times (by groups such as
the National Academy of Sciences), so it’s shameful that your channel
would even cite his work.

Second, “Guns in America” overstates the number of children who die
by unintentional gunfire. In fact, when you look at the statistics
involving younger children (ages 0-14), you see that kids have a
greater chance of dying from choking on things like the peanut butter
and jelly sandwiches that you feed them. Can I expect to see a show
in the near future highlighting the danger of feeding children?

Third, “Guns in America” portrays twelve times as many negative uses
of guns as positive uses — even though in the real world, the truth
is quite the opposite. According to statistics from the Clinton
Justice Department in 2007, guns are used at least 50 times more
often to save life than take life.

Finally, “Guns in America” only quotes anti-gun “authorities,” thus
leaving the impression that all law-enforcement support gun control.
Never mind the fact that when one looks at polls of the police
community, they overwhelmingly hold pro-gun attitudes. (Please see
the poll results on the website for the National Association of
Chiefs of Police.) Why were none of these authorities ever cited?

The National Geographic Society’s purpose is “to increase and diffuse
geographic knowledge while promoting the conservation of the world’s
cultural, historical, and natural resources.” I would submit to you
that pushing gun control is far afield from your stated purpose.



(1) Arthur Kellerman has generated multiple studies that claim gun
owners are more likely to be injured by their guns than to use those
guns in self-defense. His results range from 3 to 22 to 43 times
more likely to be injured by a gun in the home. His methodology has
been debunked, however, many times over. (See endnote 2.)

(2) See . Also, see Charles F.
Wellford, John Pepper, Carol Petrie, Firearms and Violence: A
Critical Review (National Research Council of the National Academies,
2004), p. 118.

(3) See

(4) See “Children Accidental Death Rates (Ages 0-14),” Gun Control
Fact Sheet (2004) at

(5) National Association of Chiefs of Police, 20th Annual Survey
Results (Survey questions sent to Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs in
the United States: 2008).

(6) National Association of Chiefs of Police, 15th Annual Survey
Results (Survey questions sent to Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs in
the United States).

(7) Ibid.

Defend The 2nd Amendment Through Creative Giving…

As we confront the challenges of the future, we know that the
generosity of those who assist us will make all the difference in our
success. That’s why GOA seeks your long-term support.

Please call 703-321-8585 during regular business hours or e-mail to request information on how to keep control
of your assets and make a gift at the same time through:

  • a bequest
  • a retirement plan
  • a will, living trust, or insurance policy

Requests for information are confidential and do not represent an

Please do not reply directly to this message, as your reply will
bounce back as undeliverable.

To subscribe to free, low-volume GOA alerts, go to on the web. Change of e-mail
address may also be made at that location.

To unsubscribe send a message to with the word unsubscribe in
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Problems, questions or comments? The main GOA e-mail address is at your disposal. Please do not add that
address to distribution lists sending more than ten messages per
week or lists associated with issues other than gun rights.

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2nd Amendment Politics RKBA

[Fcalerts-list] Take Action Now!

Please reply to feedback [at]
using appropriate email format. 

  1. All is Not Hopeless: There are actions you can be taking now to build up the levy and stem the flood.
  2. Oppose Confirmation of Eric Holder to Attorney General!
  3. Celebrate Bill of Rights Day – Support the Second Amendment Book Bomb!
  4. Help the Firearms Coalition by educating yourself and others.
  5. Latest “Knox Report” newsletter is in the Mail.
  6. All is Not Hopeless!
      The record gun and ammo sales statistics since the election and the chatter on the various internet forums I monitor tell me that people are worried and want to take some action, but there doesn’t appear to be much that they can do except prepare for the worst.  Even though the political landscape has shifted dramatically and the politicians are making stupid moves which are going to do more long-term harm to our economy and do threaten our future, the good news is that the worst is yet to come. If we can see ti coming, we can take action to prevent it.  There are things that you can be doing right now to ensure a brighter future.  Preparing for the worst is prudent, but it is not prudent to sit in the boat waiting for the flood when you could be busy reinforcing the levy to avoid the flood altogether.
      The Brady Bunch and their pals are doing their best to convince the politicians and the public that “the gun lobby is dead.” The most important thing we can do right now is let the politicians and the rest of the nation know that the news of our demise has been greatly exaggerated. Just because there was no candidate for President that Gun Voters could rally to doesn’t mean that Americans no longer care about our rights.  We need to let Washington know that in no uncertain terms. How do we do that?  Read on.
  7. Oppose Confirmation of Eric Holder to Attorney General!
      The best way to prove we’re not dead is to take on a fight in Congress and win – or at least make a good showing.  The fight that is currently available – and it is a fight worth fighting – is the nomination of Eric Holder to the position of Attorney General.  Holder is a radical opponent of the Second Amendment and should be rejected for the incredibly powerful office of the AG. 
      The Firearms Coalition is calling on all supporters of the Second Amendment to declare their opposition to, and actively oppose Holder’s confirmation.  Clubs and grassroots organizations are being invited to sign on to a letter of opposition to Holder as a first step.
      Learn more about Holder and efforts to block his confirmation at
  8. Celebrate Bill of Rights Day – Support the Second Amendment Book Bomb!
      Gun buyers have been sending a message with the record purchases of guns and ammunition since the election, now we have the opportunity to expand on that message by pushing Steve Halbrook’s new book, “The Founders™ Second Amendment: Origins of the Right to Bear Arms” to the top of the best sellers lists.  It is important that activists be well versed in the fundamentals of the Second Amendment and Steve’s new book is a great way to establish a firm foundation. 
      The concept of a “Book Bomb” is to spread the word among supporters who are likely to want to purchase the book to all make their purchases at about the same time.  This sales spike pushes the book to the tops of the charts where it is seen by a wider audience perpetuating more sales and maintaining the book high on the best seller lists.
      To learn more about this effort, go to and be sure to read about the related special offer from The Firearms Coalition below.
  9. Help the Firearms Coalition by Educating Yourself and Others.
      Since “Knowledge is Power,” The Firearms Coalition wants to help all of our friends become as knowledgeable and powerful as possible.  That’s why we are offering two great books and one great video DVD as premiums for donations to our efforts.  We are doing our part to support the “Book Bomb” program described above by purchasing a number of copies of Steve Halbrook’s book, “The Founders™ Second Amendment: Origins of the Right to Bear Arms” and offering them to our supporters.  We are also offering copies of David Hardy’s excellent documentary film, In Search of the Second Amendment and the comprehensive book, “The Heller Case; Gun Rights Affirmed” by Alan Korwin and Dave Kopel.
      Contributors of $50 or more may select any one of these great titles and for a contribution of $100 or more, we’ll send you all three.  And as an added bonus, if you are not a current subscriber to our bi-monthly newsletter, we’ll throw in a year’s subscription for free.
      Of course you can acquire these great resources for less money elsewhere, but by getting them from The Firearms Coalition you are also helping to support our efforts to protect your rights.
      To take advantage of this offer, send your contribution of $50 or more to:
    The Firearms Coalition
    Po Box 3313
    Manassas, VA  20108

Be sure to indicate your preference of either
“The Founders™ Second Amendment: Origins of the Right to Bear Arms” by Stephen Halbrook
“The Heller Case; Gun Rights Affirmed” by Alan Korwin and Dave Kopel
the video DVD, In Search of the Second Amendment by David Hardy
or all three for a donation of $100 or more!

You can also contribute via the “Donate” button at or by calling our Virginia offices at 703-753-0424 during business hours and using a credit card.

  1. Latest “Knox Report” newsletter is in the Mail.
      We’ve just mailed our latest Knox Report newsletter.  If you are not yet a subscriber, we encourage you to do so to keep up with the latest information and analysis of gun rights news.

We’d also like to take this opportunity to wish you all Happy Holy Days!
Merry Christmas!
Happy Hanukkah!
Best wishes for a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year.

Yours for the Second Amendment,

Jeff Knox
Director, The Firearms Coalition
Neal Knox Associates

This is a message from The Firearms Coalition Alerts list.  It is never
sent without a subscription and confirmation. 

If you have issues or questions about this or any message originating from the domain, please forward it with all message headers to abuse[at]

To unsubscribe, follow the link below.  To change your address, unsubscribe
your existing address and resubscribe from the new one.


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2nd Amendment

A Special Offer for SAF Supporters

Second Amendment Foundation
is pleased to offer a
special discount on
Armed Response’s new Video Training Series!

Whether your are in your home, car, at work, or on the street, the Armed Response Video Training Series
presents skills, techniques and tactics that are vital to not just surviving, but winning a lethal encounter.
These are the not to be missed, essential lessons needed to defend your life with a firearm!

The Armed Response videos are the most complete and up-to-date training resource available for defensive shooting. If you have a firearm for self-defense, these DVDS are a must see.

– Alan Gottlieb, Founder, Second Amendment Foundation

A must have training video, Armed Response covers important details on protecting third parties, multiple adversaries, holding people at gunpoint and much more. Ralph Mroz and David Kenik have produced a valuable program that should be in every shooter’s library!

– Dave Workman, Sr. Editor, Gun Week

Fundamentals of Defensive Shooting presents over 2.5 hours of crucial training on the skills needed to properly operate a firearm and the fundamentals of combat shooting.

Topics include;  The Reality of Gun Safety on the Street, Operational Fundamentals of Handguns, Reloading Semi-Automatics and Revolvers, Magazine Management, Carry Positions, Alternative Carry Options, The Tactical Draw, Malfunction Clearing Skills, Sighted and Non-Sighted Firing, One-Handed Manipulations and Shooting, Combat Accuracy, Stopping Power and much more!

Tactics and Techniques for Defensive Shooting This 2-hour DVD transforms fundamental range skills into realistic combat shooting techniques and demonstrates specific tactics for using firearms for self-defense.

Covered subjects include; Gun Fighting Survival Priorities, Avoidance and De-Escalation, Assault Cues and Reactionary Distance, Close Quarters Shooting, Shooting While Moving, Use of Cover, Multiple Adversaries, Protecting a Third Party, Defense in Your Home, Defense in Your Car, Defense in a Public Place, Holding a Person at Gunpoint and much more!

Fundamentals of Defensive Shooting presents a detailed and thorough plan of shooting exercises designed to dramatically increase your combat shooting skills and develop a winning mindset.  Over 30 street realistic drills are covered in this 2-hour DVD A bonus section includes information on how to run effective and safe force-on-force simulation training.

This vital training includes; Speed Shooting, Back-Up Weapons, Shooting on the Move, Precision Shooting, One-Handed Drills, Moving Targets, Judgment Skills, Positions Drills, Shooting Under Adverse Conditions, Close Quarters Shooting, Use of Cover, Shooting from your Car and much more!

 Previews of all three DVDs may be viewed here

from the Second Amendment Foundation!

$20 off your purchase the complete 3-DVD set!

Use coupon code SAF (without quotes) in the coupons section of the checkout page.

To visit the Armed Response store, click here

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2nd Amendment RKBA

[Fcalerts-list] Clearer Choice


Please reply to feedback [at] using appropriate email format.

For months GunVoters have been frustrated by party politics as usual with an inexperienced, ultra-liberal, anti-gun, Democrat pretending to be a moderate, pro-Second Amendment, pragmatist; and a “maverick,” moderate, inconsistent on guns, Republican running hard toward the middle and doing little to reassure GunVoters.

Now that both candidates have introduced their choices for Vice-President, the picture has cleared up substantially.

Barack Obama’s choice is Joe Biden of Delaware. Biden is an old-school, party machine, liberal Democrat with a long and unvarnished record of support for virtually any legislation restricting the rights of gunowners. Biden brags that he was one of the original architects of the “assault weapons” ban, and has been on the wrong side of almost every gun vote in his extremely long career in the Senate. That lifetime membership in the most exclusive millionaires’ club in the world – the U.S.Senate – also throws a bit of a wet rag on Obama’s ‘new politics, changing Washington’ rhetoric. Biden’s foreign policy experience includes several votes and positions that are in direct conflict with Obama’s votes and positions, and that is going to become an issue before November.

On the other side of the card, John McCain went out on a limb and tapped a first-term governor from Alaska, Sarah Palin. Palin is a no-nonsense, staunch conservative with a reputation for having the courage of her convictions and for holding politicians and bureaucrats responsible for their actions regardless of their party affiliations. Palin hunts and fishes and is a strong supporter of gunowner rights. While her lack of experience raises some questions, the fact that she is running in the back seat with almost as much experience as Barack Obama, makes it tough for the Democrats to be too critical. McCain can be expected to draw a comparison between an experienced pilot commanding a plane with a rookie co-pilot, and putting a rookie in command. Ready to lead versus ready to step in if needs be is a pretty dramatic difference. Of course that’s a difference that was completely lost on New York Senator and anti-gun zealot, Chuck Schumer. Schumer immediately pounced on McCain’s pick as inexperienced and not ready to lead…

Obama’s choice of Biden should erase any doubt as to the Democrat’s position on guns and individual rights, and it should raise doubts about his commitment to change in Washington.

McCain’s choice of Palin should seriously bolster the lackluster support he’s received from the conservative base and particularly invigorate pro-gun, pro-hunting, and pro-life activists. At the same time, Palin broadens the tent simply by the fact that she is a woman.

The bottom line is that these VP candidates make the choice for President much clearer than it has been to this point and should make this a much more interesting race.

As always though, we must keep in mind that the President can only do as much harm or good as the Congress allows. It is critical that GunVoters get involved and active in the races for Senate, House, state legislatures, and Governor. As Obama and Palin both dramatically highlight, little politicians grow up to be big politicians so a candidates position on gun rights matters in every election at every level.

As the political season heats up, it is more important than ever that you go to and share the information you have about candidates and learn what you can about others. can be an invaluable resource in this and future elections, but only with your help.

The latest edition of the Hard Corps Report is at the printer’s and should hit mailboxes in a couple of days. If you don’t subscribe yet, send us your snail-mail address and we’ll let you sample it for free. Just drop a note to info at FirearmsCoalition dot org.

Please forward and repost this alert as widely as possible.

Yours for the Second Amendment,
Jeff Knox
Director, The firearms Coalition

This is a message from The Firearms Coalition Alerts list. It is never
sent without a subscription and confirmation.

If you have issues or questions about this or any message originating from the domain, please forward it with all message headers to abuse[at]

To unsubscribe, follow the link below. To change your address, unsubscribe
your existing address and resubscribe from the new one.


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2nd Amendment RKBA

Platform Comfirms Dems Still ‘Don’t Get it’ About Gun Rights, Says CCRKBA



BELLEVUE, WA The 2008 Democratic Party’s draft platform confirms that the party still doesn’t get it about Second Amendment gun rights versus the Utopian fantasy that gun control laws will somehow make neighborhoods safer, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

While promising to preserve our Second Amendment rights, said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, the party platform demonizes semiautomatic sport utility rifles and wants them banned, calls for anti-gun show legislation and proposes so-called common-sense gun laws. Many Democrats believe bans on most guns are common sense and they still support the handgun ban in Barack Obama’s hometown of Chicago. Boiled down, all it really means is that the Democrats are still the party of gun control no matter how they try to re-package the rhetoric, and they know it.

Gottlieb, co-author of a new book called These Dogs Don’t Hunt: The Democrats War on Guns, said the party is shamelessly telling American gun owners that they embrace the rights of millions of shooters, hunters and gun collectors, but there’s a caveat.

The party’s gun control platform plank puts the lie to everything they say, he added. As Democrats descend on Denver to nominate a candidate who is on record in opposition to sensible concealed carry laws, we encourage gun owners across the country, and especially in Colorado, to remind the party that the Supreme Court in June held that gun bans are unconstitutional. Yet here they are, calling for a ban on so-called assault weapons even after years of experience tells us that Bill Clinton’s ban accomplished nothing, and cost the party control of Congress in 1994.

Democrats want to regulate gun shows out of business, he continued, even after a study done for the Justice Department found that gun shows are rarely the source of firearms used by criminals. Gun shows provide a forum, a gathering place for law-abiding gun owners to discuss ideas and issues, and share constitutionally protected freedoms of speech, assembly and the right to keep and bear arms. Increasingly, Democrats seem averse to the exercise of these rights by anyone who does not share their philosophy. And this is the party of inclusion?

Democrats have an opportunity to reject and repudiate this platform, Gottlieb concluded. If they do not, that tells American gun owners everything they need to know about Democrats as November approaches.


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Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
James Madison Building
12500 N.E. Tenth Place
Bellevue, WA 98005Voice: 425-454-4911
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2nd Amendment RKBA

Dangerous gun control bill in US Senate

HR 2640 is the most dangerous far-reaching assault on your Second Amendment Rights since the Democrats gained control of Congress!

Congress is authorizing $750 million to make a substantial expansion to the instant background check database — the very system that is violating our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. This new money will be used to collect and store your personal information including your medical records.

HR 2640 will allow shrinks (psychologists and psychiatrists) and bureaucrats to decide who can own and possess firearms. Currently under the National Instant Check System (NICS) a person becomes a prohibited person, regarding firearms possession, when that person is “adjudicated a mental defective,” “by a Court.” HR 2640 removes your due process rights, and greatly expands the definition of a “prohibited person” to anyone who, in the opinion of any shrink or government bureaucrat, could possibly be a danger to oneself or another. For example, under HR 2640 you won’t be able to call witnesses on your behalf; in fact, there won’t even be a hearing.

Many of our great service men and women would be prohibited from owning firearms, if, when returning from serving our country, they are labeled “dangerous” because of a visit to doctor for stress. We all know that our great service men and women see and experience situations that may continue to give them nightmares. Are these events good reasons to permanently ban firearms ownership for these individuals? They just finished serving our country and now they may be barred from even owning the firearms they used to defend this great nation. This was tried by the Clinton administration; the names of 83,000 veterans were sent to NICS to become prohibited persons. Under HR 2640 these 83,000 veterans would be banned as well as thousands more.

HR 2640 also expands the list of “prohibited persons” by allowing shrinks to decide who is a “danger”. We already know that many “professionals” in the psychiatric field believe that a firearm in the hands of any American is dangerous and therefore no person should have them. You can imagine the utter chaos this legislation will create!

Any medical “professional” could also make a similar determination. We already know that many pediatricians believe that any household with firearms is “dangerous,” even if they are properly stored. Senior citizens who have trouble balancing their checkbooks could become prohibited persons under a finding of “disability” or “incapacity.

Closet anti-gun politicians love legislation such as this. So far, politicians have hidden behind voice votes on this bill. HR 2640 is a Trojan horse. It sounds justified on the outside with promises of keeping mental defectives from having firearms, but a closer look at the details reveals a huge expansion in those who will become a prohibited person; an expansion that could potentially include most Americans.

Washington insiders think gun owners will be fooled by their veiled attempts to ban firearm ownership. They’ll go to great lengths to silence the grassroots, and to absolve themselves of responsibility if it does pass (and becomes yet another tool to the gun banners).

Just witness the latest issue of the American Rifleman. They admit that gun owners are mad, and have been contacting them.

And then they attempt to justify their support of this bill by saying “Trust us”.

Well, we don’t trust them. And we certainly don’t trust Cong. Carolyn McCarthy. Nor do we trust Sen. Patrick Leahy,

Take a look at what supporters of this bill are saying about it:

This bill has already passed the House of Representatives with a sneaky voice vote and is expected to be voted on in the Senate soon! That is why we need you to contact your Senators today. This will be our only chance to stop this erosion of your rights!

P.S. Together we can stop the Washington insiders who want to eliminate private firearms ownership in the U.S.

What you can do:

  1. Send the pre-written message (below) to both of your US Senators. Click here to e-mail your U.S. Senators.
  2. Make an online donation to NAGR to help us fight this gun control monster.


Dear Senator,

Please don’t allow gun control to pass on your watch. Gun owners don’t want to expand the “Instant Check” (NICS), we want to repeal it. It is simply wrong to penalize US Citizens by eliminating due process and assuming they are guilty until proven innocent. I encourage you to stand against the anti-gun Leahy bill, the Senate version of HR 2640, which the House passed when leadership snuck it through . Anti-gun zealots relentlessly push to prohibit more citizens from exercising their Second Amendment right. Your fight against the Leahy bill will prove that you are committed to the Second Amendment.



National Association for Gun Rights

P.O. Box 7002

Fredericksburg, VA 22404



Phone: (888) 874-3006 Toll-Free

Fax: (202) 351-0578

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