2nd Amendment

A Special Offer for SAF Supporters

Second Amendment Foundation
is pleased to offer a
special discount on
Armed Response’s new Video Training Series!

Whether your are in your home, car, at work, or on the street, the Armed Response Video Training Series
presents skills, techniques and tactics that are vital to not just surviving, but winning a lethal encounter.
These are the not to be missed, essential lessons needed to defend your life with a firearm!

The Armed Response videos are the most complete and up-to-date training resource available for defensive shooting. If you have a firearm for self-defense, these DVDS are a must see.

– Alan Gottlieb, Founder, Second Amendment Foundation

A must have training video, Armed Response covers important details on protecting third parties, multiple adversaries, holding people at gunpoint and much more. Ralph Mroz and David Kenik have produced a valuable program that should be in every shooter’s library!

– Dave Workman, Sr. Editor, Gun Week

Fundamentals of Defensive Shooting presents over 2.5 hours of crucial training on the skills needed to properly operate a firearm and the fundamentals of combat shooting.

Topics include;  The Reality of Gun Safety on the Street, Operational Fundamentals of Handguns, Reloading Semi-Automatics and Revolvers, Magazine Management, Carry Positions, Alternative Carry Options, The Tactical Draw, Malfunction Clearing Skills, Sighted and Non-Sighted Firing, One-Handed Manipulations and Shooting, Combat Accuracy, Stopping Power and much more!

Tactics and Techniques for Defensive Shooting This 2-hour DVD transforms fundamental range skills into realistic combat shooting techniques and demonstrates specific tactics for using firearms for self-defense.

Covered subjects include; Gun Fighting Survival Priorities, Avoidance and De-Escalation, Assault Cues and Reactionary Distance, Close Quarters Shooting, Shooting While Moving, Use of Cover, Multiple Adversaries, Protecting a Third Party, Defense in Your Home, Defense in Your Car, Defense in a Public Place, Holding a Person at Gunpoint and much more!

Fundamentals of Defensive Shooting presents a detailed and thorough plan of shooting exercises designed to dramatically increase your combat shooting skills and develop a winning mindset.  Over 30 street realistic drills are covered in this 2-hour DVD A bonus section includes information on how to run effective and safe force-on-force simulation training.

This vital training includes; Speed Shooting, Back-Up Weapons, Shooting on the Move, Precision Shooting, One-Handed Drills, Moving Targets, Judgment Skills, Positions Drills, Shooting Under Adverse Conditions, Close Quarters Shooting, Use of Cover, Shooting from your Car and much more!

 Previews of all three DVDs may be viewed here

from the Second Amendment Foundation!

$20 off your purchase the complete 3-DVD set!

Use coupon code SAF (without quotes) in the coupons section of the checkout page.

To visit the Armed Response store, click here

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By Scott

60 something single male, conservative, LDS former missionary.

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