There is no doubt that this will be the most important election in decades, maybe ever in the history of the country and it will be a very close election. So it is very important that you get out and all your family, friends and vote. Every vote could make the difference in the future of this country. Please pass this on to every one you know.
Where we are now
For the last two years the Democrats have had majority control of both the House of Representatives and the Senate under the ultra liberal control of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi from San Francisco and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid from Las Vegas.
Since they have taken over gas prices have gone to the highest they have ever been in this country. They have fought every chance to increase domestic production of oil and provide practical workable means of alternative energy.
They have been blaming President Bush for everything. Yet it is Congress that passes bills and writes them, not the President. They blame President Bush for our current economic problems but I have links to uTube with videos of the Democrats saying nothing was wrong with Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac while Senator McCain and President Bush warned they must be reformed or it would mean economic disaster which we now have. They will follow this section.
What we face
At best we face President McCain with a Democratic controlled congress.
At worst we face Senator Obama who in two years he has served has the most liberal record in the senate who makes the ultra liberal leaders of congress look like moderates. His becoming president and possibly a super Democrat majority in both houses of Congress will mean the Democrats can do ANY THING they want with out effective opposition from the Republicans. If that happens you can expect the following at minimum. These are the kinds of “CHANGE” Obama will give us.
Let the Republican’s tax cuts expire which will increase everyone’s taxes which is the last thing we need during this economic down turn.
They will increase taxes on everything including gas. They will forever ban using the resources God has blessed the United States with.
They will pull our troops out of Iraq before the country is stabilized which will then become a haven for Terrorists.
They will cut our military which President Clinton already weakened and make us weak and a target for terrorists.
Put in place liberal judges which will over turn the will of the people as they have in places like California and Massachusetts and given the homosexuals rights to marry. In the last 60 years liberal judges have taken away the right to pray in schools, in many places banned nativity scenes at Christmas. Who knows how they will further erode our first amendment rights to freely exercise our beliefs and our other freedoms.
Free speech? They will bring back the fairness act which will be the end of people bringing you the truth like Rush and Sean Hannity. Ever heard of political correctness? You haven’t seen anything yet if they control all three parts of the executive branch of government. We’ve already seen how the liberal media has tried to suppress people who tell the truth about Oboma.
You can pretty much kiss your second amendment rights to keep and bear Arms good by. You think Clinton was bad, you’ve not seen anything yet. Barack is planing to restore the Clinton gun ban and add more weapons to it, ban most hunting ammo. He thought there was nothing wrong with the DC gun ban which the Supreme court over turned and argued for keeping it. On October 13th Obomma was endorsed by the anti-gun Brady Campaign.
According to the NRA this is Barack Obama’s 10 Point Plan to “Change” The Second Amendment.
- Ban the use of firearms for home defense
- Pass Federal laws eliminating your Right-to-Carry
- Ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns
- Close down 90% of the gun shops in America
- Ban rifle ammunition commonly used for hunting and sport shooting
- Increase federal taxes on guns and ammunition by 500%
- Restore voting rights for five million criminals including those who have been convicted of using a gun to commit a violent crime.
- Expand the Clinton Semi-Auto ban to include millions more firearms
- Mandate a government-issued license purchase a firearm
- Appoint judges to the U.S. Supreme Court and Federal Judiciary who share his views on the Second Amendment.
They will give upwards of 12 million illegals amnesty and rights to vote, social security and medicare. Think this is far fetched? They have already tried to do these things and the Republicans stopped them.
Socialized medical care, you want to wait 6 months to have an operation? That is what happens in other countries that have it. There will be a shortage of Doctors because there will be no motivation for anyone to become a doctor. Our medical care is messed up Because Government already mettles with it. It sets the price for Medicare payments which are under the market cost so that cost is passed on to the rest of us in the form of increased prices. We also have increased prices because the Federal Government has mandated medical are for illegals and others who do not pay.
They will take us so far down the path of socialism (which has failed and bankrupted every country is has been tired) that it will be generations before we recover the country we grew up in if we ever can again. We are already bankrupt and indebted to other countries beyond our capacity to pay. When will they stop spending?!
Why Senator Barack Hussein Obama should not ever be elected president.
The list is so long I don’t know if I can possibly remember it all to write it down. Most of this you probably have not heard because the liberal media is doing EVERY thing it can to get him elected. Something like 93% of the media admit to being Democrats, don’t expect them to tell you the facts or even the truth. If your not a political activist like me or a talk radio listener you likely haven’t heard much about the following.
His long association with left wing radicals like William Ayers a bomber from the weather underground, Rashid Khalidi, a pro-terrorist radical and one-time spokesman for the late PLO head Yasser Arafat, Louis Farrakhan head of the Nation of Islam and former member of the black panthers. (site only works in Internet Explorer, weird image map)
Still more questionable Obama associates
Rashid Khalidi is only one of many
Obama Affinity to Marxists Dates Back to College Days
Convicted felon Tony Rezko, Antoin Rezko: “Tony” is a businessman (slum lord) who has helped raise campaign money for Mr. Obama and many other Illinois politicians. He was convicted April 30, 2008 on 16 of 24 counts involving mail fraud, wire fraud, money laundering and aiding and abetting bribery.” Rezko also helped Obama by his multi million dollar house. Obama’s associations may haunt bid
Obama served as a trainer and legal counsel for ACORN which has been implicated in all kinds of voter fraud for years and is currently under investigation in 11 states. A lot has been made about Obama being a “Community Organizer” ACORN = Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. ACORN was also involved in the housing debacle.
ACORN it’s an Obama Scandal
Obama’s Secret Campaign Cash: Has $63 Million Flowed from Foreign Sources?
The Obama Test would you vote like Barack?
National Journal’s Vote ratings on Obama and Clinton
Obama attended for 20 years at Trinity Unity Church of Christ a black liberation theology church in Chicago under Rev Jeremiah Wright who preaches anti Americanism and racism. Rev. Wright married Obama to his wife and baptized his kids, was an inspiration to him.
Sean Hannity interveiw with Rev. Right transcript
Obama pastor’s theology: Destroy ‘the white enemy’
Looking At Obama and Black Liberation Theology
uTube videos
Barack Obama Lies To America about Rev. Wright
“I wasn’t in Church when Rev. Wright said those things”
Obama and Wright: He Never Complained Once
Oboma’s terrorist friend William Ayers
ACORN it’s an Obama Scandal
Obama supports Licenses for Illegals
Obama supports Social Security for Illegals
Obama Bombshell Redistribution of Wealth Audio Uncovered calls constitution defective.
Glenn Beck – The Obama Socialist Agenda
Shocking Video Unearthed Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that caused our Economic Crisis
Explosive Video, Fannie Mae CEO calling Obama and the Democrats the “Family” and “Conscience” of Fannie Mae
Burning Down The House: What Caused Our Economic Crisis? Bombshell
Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Democrats of financial mess
John McCain Warned Us About Fannie and Freddie
McCain Warns of Depression!
McCain Tried To Reform Fannie Mae But Stopped By Democrats
Hey Barack, Who’s Franklin Raines
Barack Obama * Saddleback Church forum hosted by Pastor Rick Warren Barack who supports infantcide, says the question of when life begins is above his pay grade.
SHOCKING Obama words: what he really thinks of Joe the Plumber
Joe Biden Gaffe: Mark My Words, We Will Face A Major International Crisis Due to Obama’s Inexperience, Because the World is Going To Test Us