Election Republican

Why you MUST get out and vote

While I disagree with some of the actions of the Republican leadership we must remember some of their accomplishments. The economy has been steadily improving since Clinton’s recession and 9/11 (his policies also caused that, pretty much what you can expect of having Democrats in power) and we can thank President Bush’s tax cuts and the Federal Reserve interest rate policies for that. The current unemployment rate for September 2006 was 4.6%, it has hovered around 4.6-4.8% all year and has been falling from a high of 6.0% in 2002. The average during Clinton’s presidency was 5.6%. Clinton’s policies of raising taxes eventually caused a recession, it is not something that happens over night. President Bush’s tax reform has just as slowly been improved the economy. You will not hear that from the major media because they are a bunch of liberal Democrats (over 95%) and have been trying to make President Bush look bad since before he took office. Remember when they were accusing Bush of talking down the economy when he first ran for office when all he did was point out the facts of Clinton’s economy numbers. I drives me nuts that they accused Bush of that and then turned around and have done their best to really talk down the economy and deny any good news. Productivity has grown a strong 2.5 percent over the past four quarters, well ahead of average productivity growth in the last three decades. The DOW just hit a new record high, the stock market has been doing well. My 401K has doubled in value since 2001 and my house came close to doing so before they started raising interest rates, how have your investments been doing? The Federal reserve has been raising interest rates because the economy has been doing so well they were afraid of inflation.

Economy in Focus

We also have not had a successful terrorist attack on this country since 9/11 thanks to President Bush’s polices. We have removed a terrorist controlled regime (Afghanistan) and a murderous dictator (Iraq) who supported terrorism from power. While combating terrorism is a ongoing project which may take decades we have and still are making progress in doing so. Clinton’s lack of a forceful response to terrorist attacks overseas and treating it as a law enforcement issue directly lead to 9/11. While the media has been trying to blame President Bush for North Korea have you heard any of them mention that it was Clinton who gave North Korea 2 reactors, fuel rods and technology with a promise that Kim Jong Il wouldn’t use it for anything but energy..

President Bush has put in two conservatives on the supreme court; Samuel Anthony Alito, Jr. and John G. Roberts, Jr. President Bush has the chance to nominate at least one more during his remaining term. As well as many federal judges that have been and could be nominated. President Bush has had considerable problems getting his nominees to be voted on and appointed because the Senate Judiciary is 50/50 Republicans and Democrats. Putting conservative judges in office is critical to stopping the liberal agenda and them from over turning the conservative agenda in lawsuits.

An example of this happened in Arizona recently. In 2004 the voters approved a proposition that all voters must show proper ID before they could vote, other wise they could vote a provisional ballot which wouldn’t be counted until they proved who they were. You wouldn’t think that was very controversial, but the liberal Democrats opposed it. A couple of weeks ago the 9th Federal Circuit Court in California (the most liberal and over turned court in the country) over turned the proposition weeks before the coming election which meant if their decision wasn’t over turned all the poll workers will have to be retrained from what they were taught for the recent primary elections. The liberals said we would have all kinds of problems with the primary election because of the proposition causing people to be “disenfranchised”, but the primary election went off with out a hitch. Today 10/20 the Supreme Court over ruled the 9th Circuit saying we could go ahead and enforce the law.

If we don’t get out and support the Republicans the extreme leftist who control the Democrat party now could take over control of both house’s of congress, they are very motivated to do so. They want power back desperately and will say and do anything to do so. This would mean Nancy Pelosi the extreme leftist (says she is proud to be a liberal) from San Francisco would become Speaker of the House and liberal Harry Reid from Las Vegas would be the Senate Majority leader.

The strategy of the liberals Democrats is to get conservative voters so disgusted and discouraged that they will not vote. If this happens, the liberals will have achieved their goal and they will be running congress. The Republicans control congress with a small majority and often there are enough liberals in the Republican party that they have not been accomplish many of the things we would like them to do. If they loose seats to the Democrats it will only be worse, especially in the Senate which has been continually fighting President Bush and the Republicans in the House of Representatives.

If it had not to been for the Conservative Republicans in the House refusing to take up the McCain/Kennedy immigration bill we would have had amnesty for millions of illegal aliens which would have encouraged many millions more to come here as the 1986 bill did. Instead we have passed a bill to build a 700 mile fence to help slow the tide of drugs, illegal aliens, criminals and very likely terrorist from coming over our southern boarder. We have much more to do there but it is a start.

The Democrats have done nothing during President Bush’s term but be obstructionists, undermining our national security by leaking details of our counter terrorist programs to the liberal media and doing anything and everything they can to try to make President Bush look bad. Virtually all the people claiming President Bush lied about Iraq saw the same information he did and voted for the war. Now the hypocrites have changed their tune and have been doing their best to undermine President Bush and our military. I blame them for the deaths of many of our brave service men. If you have paid attention you would hear the terrorist saying many of the same things the Democrats have been saying about President Bush and our military. We are seeing an upsurge in attacks against our military in Iraq now because with encouragement from the Democrats they believe if they can get you to vote Bush’s supporters out of office we will pull out of Iraq just like Clinton did with the Black Hawk Down Incident. (you should see the movie). I could go on and on about that but that isn’t the purpose of this post.

While one republican congress man, Mark Foley is involved in a scandal involving pages it must be remembered that he has left office and it was only instant messages. It remains to be seen who knew about his activities, but we do know the Democrats have known since at least March and waited until September when it would make the Republicans look bad just before the election. They put children at risk to further their political strategy.

The Democrats have at least two homosexual people who have been involved in sex scandals and still in office. Gary Studds actually had sex with a 17 year old male page in 1983 and was still in office until he died on October 14th of this year. Remember Barney Franks roommate? A male prostitute living with Frank ran a homosexual prostitution ring from his apartment, Frank was reprimanded for fixing 33 of the pimp’s parking tickets.

How about Ted Kennedy’s exploits, remember those? BTW, both Studds and Kennedy are from Massachusetts.. What happened to our original 13 colonies? Why have they become liberal socialist havens? What ever a Republican’s failings maybe, you can be sure the Democrats are way worse.

Studds Had to Die to Get NBC to Remind Viewers of His Sex with a Teen Page

Google Gary Studds

Values Voters–Head to the Polls!

The problem isn’t the Republicans, it is people voting in immoral people into office. You can only expect these sort of problems with people who do not live up to the sort of moral code we would like to see our leaders follow. Remember Clinton’s sex numerous scandals, why is when it when it is the Democrats it is a private matter between two people but when it is a Republican it is a big scandal that the media goes on and on about for weeks? You have to remember this is the liberal news media trying to get their buddies back in power and they will say and write anything they can to make the Republican look bad whether is true or not. Remember Dan Rather having to retire because he kept trying to push some fraudulent documents about President Bush’s service in the National Guard? “NEW YORK (CNN) — Longtime anchor Dan Rather will leave the “CBS Evening News” on March 9, the network said Tuesday, just months after Rather’s use of questionable documents in a report critical of President Bush’s National Guard service.

Longtime anchor Dan Rather will leave the “CBS Evening News

They are out to get President Bush and the Republicans no mater what it takes. You MUST take that in to account when hearing any news from ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, CNBC and the vast majority of the major news papers. I get all my news from the radio, Internet and Fox.

“I think Dan is transparently liberal. Now he may not like to hear me say that. I always agree with him, too. But I think he should be more careful.” –CBS 60 Minutes Commentator Andy Rooney on Larry King Live, July 28, 2002

“Everybody knows that there’s a liberal, that there’s a heavy liberal persuasion among correspondents.” –Walter Cronkite, former CBS anchor, at the annual Radio and Television Correspondents Association dinner, March 21, 1996.

“I believe that most of us reporters are liberal…we are inclined to side with the powerless rather than the powerful. If that is what makes us liberals, so be it.” –Walter Cronkite in his syndicated column, August 6, 2003.

How important are the upcoming elections?

These elections are crucial and it is extremely important that you vote. Please vote and encourage others you know to do the same. If you don’t like things the way they are, they will be infinitely worse if the liberal democrats win. Have you noticed that the Democrats have not been saying what they are for but have ran on a platform of being critical of Republicans saying we must make a Change? A change to what?

Here is what we can expect if the Democrats/Socialists/liberals win:

We will withdraw prematurely from Iraq, sending the message to the terrorists that if they will just be patient and keep killing our service men they can defeat us and stop the spread of democracy in the middle east. Iraq will become a breading ground for terrorists just like Afghanistan became after Russia pulled out. The terrorist will move from attacking us in Iraq to other targets including the cities of America.

They will try to impeach Bush and have already said that is their intention according to Senator John Conyers. They want to get even for Clinton’s impeachment.

Gas prices are going down now, but you can thank the Democrats for them being so high in the first place. They have systematical stopped us from developing domestic oil production. The biggest reason we have such high gas prices is our refineries are running at near maximum capacity and a new one has not been built in over 25 years but demand has continually gone up. The Democrats want to increase the taxes on the fuel you buy and will continue to stop us from drilling in ANWR, and off the coasts, building any new refineries, power plants and thing else that would lead us to energy independence.

They want to give amnesty and social security (they have already tried to pass a bill to do just that) for 12,000,000 illegal immigrants. They will stop our efforts to secure our boarders, they are for open boarders and see nothing wrong with millions of people coming her illegally because they see them as potential voters for the liberals.

No more conservative “original intent” judges, only liberal judges who see the Constitution as a “living evolving” document will be appointed. They will continue to create laws to implement the social agenda liberals cannot get passed through the legislative process.

A push over turning our marriage laws through the courts in all 50 states, making homosexual marriage and polygamy legal. They claim it is about giving them the same rights married people enjoy but that is a lie.

Liberals will make the killing prenatal children even harder to stop. They have done their best to stop the outlawing of partial birth abortion which is an abhorrent procedure. They have voted against parental notification, I.E. if your under age daughter wants to have an abortion the don’t have to call you first.

Liberals will continue to try to rid our society of Christian influence, including any reference to God in our Pledge and on our currency. Groups like the ACLU have been attacking Christian values all over the country. There is no “separation of Church and State in the Constitution”. The first amendment states that “Congress shall make no law respecting and establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”‘..

A return to the “Fairness Doctrine” in broadcasting where opposing views must be given equal time. Every conservative talk show host will be forced to give a liberal equal time on every issue. The purpose of this rule will be to shut down conservative talk shows.

An increase in taxes to push new social programs. Charlie Rangel is the top-ranking Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee, which writes federal tax laws would become chairman of the Committee and has promised to roll back President Bush’s tax cuts and has pledged to increase taxes across the board.

Senate Search for Charlie Rangel

They will pass new “hate crimes” laws making it illegal to refer to homosexuality in a negative manner. I don’t believe in “hate” crimes, it is illegal to kill, injure or do anything violent to people. It shouldn’t matter what the reason behind the action is, is it any different to murder someone because of their skin color or they are being robbed or some other reason. What ever the reason the punishment should be the same.

Liberals will give terrorists from other countries who try to kill Americans the same rights American citizens enjoy under our constitution. Terrorist are illegal enemy combatants and are not afforded the same rights as military people under the Geneva Convention, yet the Democrats have fought to give them these rights and even the same rights US citizens do.

Republican National Committee

Scott’s World

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By dsscheibe

60 something single male, conservative, LDS former missionary.

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