Immigration Politics

SB1070 – 492R – House Bill Summary

Most everything you are hearing on the news About Arizona’s immigration enforcement bill 1070 is a lie, read it for yourself. There is no racism, there is no prevision for anyone to stop you on the street and ask for “your papers”. You can not be stopped unless you are breaking some other law. If you have valid ID then there is no problem. If you are driving around with out a drivers license then you have a problem ANYONE would have, not just “brown people”.

SB1070 – 492R – House Bill Summary

I have quoted a small relevant part of it below.

“Section 1. Intent

The legislature finds that there is a compelling interest in the cooperative enforcement of federal immigration laws throughout all of Arizona. The legislature declares that the intent of this act is to make attrition through enforcement the public policy of all state and local government agencies in Arizona. The provisions of this act are intended to work together to discourage and deter the unlawful entry and presence of aliens and economic activity by persons unlawfully present in the United States.

Sec. 2. Title 11, chapter 7, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding article 8, to read:


START_STATUTE11-1051. Cooperation and assistance in enforcement of immigration laws; indemnification

A. No official or agency of this state or a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state may limit or restrict the enforcement of federal immigration laws to less than the full extent permitted by federal law.

B. For any lawful stop, detention or arrest made by a law enforcement official or a law enforcement agency of this state or a law enforcement official or a law enforcement agency of a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state in the enforcement of any other law or ordinance of a county, city or town or this state where reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien and is unlawfully present in the United States, a reasonable attempt shall be made, when practicable, to determine the immigration status of the person, except if the determination may hinder or obstruct an investigation. Any person who is arrested shall have the person’s immigration status determined before the person is released. The person’s immigration status shall be verified with the federal government pursuant to 8 United States code section 1373(c). A law enforcement official or agency of this state or a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state may not consider race, color or national origin in implementing the requirements of this subsection except to the extent permitted by the United States or Arizona Constitution. A person is presumed to not be an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States if the person provides to the law enforcement officer or agency any of the following:

  1. A valid Arizona driver license.
  2. A valid Arizona nonoperating identification license.

  3. A valid tribal enrollment card or other form of tribal identification.”

Scott’s Weather StationScott’s worldScott’s Conservative Blog

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Immigration Politics

FW: Montebello High School in California

I guess they already finished their English homework!!!

Montebello High School in California

You will not see this heart-stopping photo on the front page of the NY Times, nor on the lead story of the major news networks.

The protestors at Montebello High School took the American flag
off the school’s flag pole and hung it upside down while putting up the Mexican flag over it. (See pictures below)

I predict this stunt will be the nail in the coffin of any guest-worker/amnesty plan on the table in Washington . The image of the American flag subsumed to another and turned upside down on American soil is already spreading on Internet forums and via e-mail.

Pass this along to every American citizen in your address books and to every representative in the state and federal government. If you choose to remain uninvolved, do not be amazed when you no longer have a nation to call your own nor anything you have worked for left since it will be ‘redistributed’ to the activists while you are so peacefully staying out of the ‘fray’.. Check history, it is full of nations/empires that disappeared when its citizens no longer held their core beliefs and values. One person at a time CAN make a difference..

One plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one . . .

If this ticks YOU off . . . PASS IT ON!

Scott’s website
Scott Blog

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Don’t Let E-Verify Die

From the Desk of:
Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

Grassfire has just learned that one of the most effective and
efficient resources in the ongoing struggle to protect citizens
from the infiltration of illegal aliens is in danger of being

E-Verify is a free, easy to use on-line system that provides
U.S. employers with a way to verify the employment eligibility
of all new hires. This program has the potential to end the
unlawful U.S. jobs magnet, and in short, is America’s best
hope for solving the problem of illegal immigration.

Hailed as perhaps one of the only few un-broken parts of the
immigration system and it is now under attack from key members
of the Senate, most notably Majority Leader Reid and Senator Menendez.

Senator Menendez is blackmailing E-verify, and won’t release
the bill for vote unless the Senate agrees to add another
550,000 permanent green cards to the 1.1 million immigrants
already expected to come in 2009.

Unless Menendez releases his hold, E-Verify will
die in November. This is outrageous and cannot happen!

Call your senators.

When calling, here are some talking points:

-Demand your Senators approach Sen. Menendez
urging him to release his grip on this bill (S. 6633) and then
fast-track it to a vote.

  • Let them know that you are watching their actions and will
    hold them accountable!

Again, we have only until November to impact this issue–one
of the only successful components of our broken immigration system.
Please take decisive action with us and call today.

++ Action Item # 2–Alert your friends

We must not allow the actions of some dictate policies that stand to
negatively impact us all. Please forward this message to 30-40
friends urging them to click below and sign our petition, and then
call their Senators.

Thank you for you quick response.


                                    • +
                                      (Note: Please do not “reply” directly to this e-mail message. This
                                      e-mail address is not designed to receive your personal messages.
                                      To contact with comments, questions or to change
                                      your status, see link at the end.)
                                    • +
    • Feedback or comments on this update?

Go to and post your comments so that the Grassfire
staff along with thousands of citizens can benefit from your
thoughts and opinions:

    • Technical questions only:

For technical questions regarding this email, go here:
(Not for comments/feedback on this update)

        • +
 Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)4 issues advocacy
          organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong
          network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give
          you a real impact on the key issues of our day.
          Gifts to are not tax deductible.

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Record Numbers of Illegals Returning to Mexico

As a personal testimony to this, one of my coworkers told me Saturday morning that all the Mexicans on his street have left and most of the houses are empty. I heard a month or so ago one of the school districts saying enrollment for the upcoming semester is down so much that they were going to have to lay off some staff and possibly close a couple of schools! Maybe we won’t have to spend many millions of dollars on “bi-lingual education” now.

A few months ago Arizona passed an employers sanction act, all the advocates for cheep illegal labor have been bitching and trying to sue to stop the law but in the mean while the illegals are leaving because they are loosing their jobs. Our HOA lost the landscaping company we had last year and I’m sure it was because all their workers were illegals. None of them I saw spoke English.

If you immigrate here you should at least learn to speak English. My Great Grand father came from Germany in 1893 and learned the language of the land and did not teach his children to speak any German. He knew it was important to be successful in his country to speak English. He is the only one of our ancestors we have been able to trace out of America after 1800. Some of them have been here since before 1700. Unfortunately most of our family from the southern states can’t be traced back much before the civil war because all the records were burned and other wise destroyed if they were kept at all.

Scott Alliance

(see details below)


Fox News is reporting that streams of illegal immigrants are heading
home to Mexico. In fact, the report said the exodus numbers are the
highest they’ve been in decades!

So why are they leaving?

For years we’ve heard the excuses that our nation cannot
possibly round up 13-20 million illegal aliens. For years
we’ve answered their excuse saying “we don’t have to.”

Scott, as this report suggests, if the Federal government
enforces existing immigration laws by taking away jobs, housing, and
social benefits illegal aliens will leave on their own.

So far this year 1.3 million have decided the grass is greener in
their homeland. And since last August, the illegal immigrant
population has dropped 11 percent!

Of course the media suggest the exodus is due to a soft economic
market, and/or an “unjust” tightening of the laws.

I disagree. I believe grassroots Americans like you and I are making
all the difference in the world.

We are tired of footing the financial bill for illegals. We are sick
of losing our jobs to illegals, and we are pushing back.

This is the result. Our “no more!” attitude is resonating–but we
must continue to press in on our elected officials–demanding existing
laws are enforced, double-layered fencing is built as promised.

Scott, this battle won’t be won until all of our
borders are secure and every person living in the United States
is here legally.

++ Alert Your Friends

This is precisely the kind of message that needs to
resonate throughout the land–especially to those who
say we can’t fix the problem. Well, the truth is we can,
and we are.

Please forward this message to 25-30 friends and family
urging them to take action with you by clicking below and
signing our petition:

By the time the November elections arrive, I need an army of at
least 750,000 citizens mobilized and ready to take action against
the next anticipated push to open our borders, and I’m counting
on you to help!

So Scott, pat yourself on the back for a job well-done, and
then forward this message to your friends. Help me keep our team strong
and vigilant right through the finish line!


++Help Grassfire Secure the Fence:

                                    • +
                                      (Note: Please do not “reply” directly to this e-mail message. This
                                      e-mail address is not designed to receive your personal messages.
                                      To contact with comments, questions or to change
                                      your status, see link at the end.)
                                    • +
        • +
 Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)4 issues advocacy
          organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network
          of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real
          impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not
          tax deductible.
    • Comments? Questions?

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AMNESTY RED ALERT! Call Now Oppose ‘Bad’ Dream Act.

Washington is busy again! Thank you AZ. Jake Flake.
Ironic that the DREAM act is being hidden in National Defense HR 1585!

ALIPAC Activists!


We told you several months ago that the intended purpose of “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” aka AMNESTY was designed to override all of the immigration enforcement efforts by over 40 states and hundreds of cities and towns. Now we have confirmation on that.


Amnesty Revived in Pieces Plan to override States

Amnesty Again! amnesty on the installment plan The BAD Dream Act

We need ALL OF YOU on the phones ASAP

The Dream Act should be dubbed the “Bad Dream Act” or the “Nightmare Act” by our movement.

The Dream Act would provide AMNESTY to any illegal alien of any age that claims they came to the US before they were 16 years old.

This Act would also give In-State Tuition to illegal alien college students.

ALIPAC has helped defeat In-State tuition for illegals in three or more states with our message….

“This legislation will replace American students in the limited seats in College at taxpayer expense.”


If you were going to take a day off work to fight amnesty, early this week would be the time to do it.

Call your Senator first and then call all of the others.


“I want Senator ______ to vote against Senator DFw AMNESTY RED ALERT! Call Now.ems urbin’s Amendment (number SA 2237) to attach the “Bad” Dream Act to the National Defense Authorization Act HR 1585! The Bad Dream Act is AMNESTY! How dare Senator Durbin try to replace American kids in the limited seats in College and make us taxpayers foot most of the costs!”

Also, point out that this Amendment is “NOT GERMAINE” to the National Defense Bill. The Senate and Congress have a rule that amendments should be Germain or relevant to the bill being discussed. Obviously, Amnesty and in-state tuition for illegal aliens has NOTHING TO DO WITH DEFENSE SPENDING! This Amendment violates the rules of the Senate.

You also need to add

“I also want Senator ______ to vote against any increases in VISA’s! No increases in visas, till illegal immigration in America is stopped or reversed”

Some Senators are trying to attach H-1b and H-2b Visa increases to this bill too.

Click Here to Call, Fax, and Email Senators NOW!

Also, you should call the sponsors of this ‘Bad Dream Act’ and let them have an earfull.

Sponsors are…

DURBIN (for himself, Mr. Hagel, Mr. Lugar, Mr. Leahy, Mr. Obama, Mr. Lieberman, Mrs. Feinstein, Mr. Kerry, Mr. Feingold, Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Bayh, Mr. Menendez, Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Boxer, Ms. Cantwell, Mr. Salazar, and Mr. Dodd

“I am calling to tell Senator ______ how disappointed I am they are sponsoring Durbin’s Bad Dream Act Amendment. How dare they try to give Amnesty to illegal aliens and replace American students in the limited seats in college at taxpayer expense! I will remember this during the elections!”


Many of ALIPAC’s allied organizations, (NumbersUFw AMNESTY RED ALERT! Call Now.ems SA, CAPS, NC Listen, etc..) are gearing up for one hell of a fight this week in the Senate.

We must rally the nation so spread the word! Pile on Talk Radio Shows and mention ALIPAC to lead other Americans to our aid.

If you would like to see the messages being called in and sent by other activists, ask questions, post about your efforts, or feedback from Senate offices, please do so at this link…

Click here to comment or ask questions. (ALIPAC Volunteers are ready to assist you 24/7)



Not an ALIPAC Supporter Yet?
ALIPAC relies on your donations to fund our operations. We are completely reliant on public support. If you are not yet an ALIPAC contributor, please consider joining the thousands of Americans that are combining their time and funds to stop Amnesty, secure America’s borders, and enforce our existing immigration laws.

Visit ALIPAC’s Secure Online Donations Page

Paid for by Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)
Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009
FEC ID: C00405878

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Immigration news

What the media isn’t reporting about immigration

(I heard a solder last week call in to the Sean Hannity raido show and say
they were finding stolen cars from the US being used as IUD’s in Iraq.. Scott)

  • +
  • +
    >From the Desk of:
    Douglas Mills



Iranian currency, military badges in Arabic, jackets and
other clothing are among the items that have been discovered
along the banks of the Rio Grande River. These discoveries
have Texas law enforcement officials sounding the alarm.

But will Congress listen?

“These people are not paying $50,000 or more a head just to
‘take jobs no American will do,'” said Rep. Tom Tancredo to
MRC’s Cybercast News Service. Tancredo, an outspoken advocate
of secured borders and no amnesty for illegals says,
“Terrorists are working round the clock to infiltrate
the United States. Congress and this administration
must address this gaping hole in our national security
and they must do it now.”

Texas Sheriffs have strong evidence to suggest that
terrorists and drug cartels are learning Spanish and
blending with the Mexican culture in order to infiltrate
our borders–and in some cases the Mexican military is
helping them!

For the riveting report:

CNSNews report on immigaration

Also see
Newsmax: Hezbollah Invading U.S. From Mexico

Drug ‘War Zone’ Rattles U.S.-Mexico Border

Bigoted, biased and borderline anti-Semitic, is how Abraham
Foxman, National Director of the U.S.-based Anti-Defamation
League, characterized Amnesty International’s “Human Rights”
report accusing Israel of war crimes.

While the report specifically details Israel’s targeting
of civilian homes and infrastructure, they make little
mention of the fact that Hezbollah terrorists used civilians
as shields and hid their bombs and weapons in civilian homes.

The report all but ignores the fact that Hezbollah terrorists
openly fired on Israeli civilians and launched more than
4,000 Hezbollah rockets into Israel killing civilians and
destroying countless homes!

For the entire story:

MRC News Report


‘Human Rights’ Report Blasts Israel, Barely
Mentions Hizballah

GOP Candidates Call for Profiling of Muslims, Arabs


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The Cost of Illegal immigration

A friend sent this to me, it’s a bit dated- Scott

Please read, at least, the last few ideas at the bottom of this email. There is some eye opening info here. Bruce
This is old info, I’m sure it is worse now.

From the L.A Times:

1. 40% of all workers in L.A. County (L.A. County has 10 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes. This was because they are predominantly illegal immigrants, working without a green card.

2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.

3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.

4. Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on MediCal, whose births were paid for by taxpayers.

5. Nearly 25% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.

6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.

7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.

8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.

9. 21 radio stations in L.A. are Spanish speaking.

10. In L.A. County 5.1 million people speak English. 3.9 million speak Spanish (10.2 million people in L.A. County).

(All the above from the Los Angeles Times)

Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but 29% are on welfare.

Over 70% of the United States’ annual population growth (and over 90% of California, Florida, and New York) results from immigration.

The cost of immigration to the American taxpayer in 1997 was, (after subtracting taxes immigrants pay), a NET $70 BILLION a year, [Professor Donald Huddle, Rice University]. The lifetime fiscal impact (taxes paid minus services used) for the average adult Mexican immigrant is a NEGATIVE number.

29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens. (I’ve heard recently it is closer to 35%)

If they can come to this country to raise Hell and demonstration by the thousands, Why can’t they take charge over the corruption in their own country?

We are a bunch of fools for letting this continue.

THE U.S. VS MEXICO: On February 15, 1998, the U.S. and Mexican soccer teams met at the Los Angeles Coliseum. The crowd was overwhelmingly pro-Mexican even though most lived in this country. They booed during the National Anthem and U.S. flags were held upside down. As the match progressed, supporters of the U.S. team were insulted, pelted with projectiles, punched and spat upon. Beer and trash were thrown at the U.S. players before and after the match. The coach of the U.S. team, Steve Sampson said, “This was the most painful experience I have ever had in this profession.”

Did you know that immigrants from Mexico and other non-European countries can come to this country and get preferences in jobs, education, and government contracts? It’s called affirmative action or racial privilege. The Emperor of Japan or the President of Mexico could migrate here and immediately be eligible for special rights unavailable for Americans of European descent.

Recently, a vote was taken in the U.S. Congress to end this practice. It was defeated. Every single Democratic senator except Ernest Hollings voted to maintain special privileges for Hispanic, Asian and African immigrants. They were joined by thirteen Republicans. Bill Clinton and Al Gore have repeatedly stated that they believe that massive immigration from countries like Mexico is good. They have also backed special privileges for these immigrants.

Corporate America has signed on to the idea that minorities and third world immigrants should get special, privileged status. Some examples are Exxon, Texaco, Merrill Lynch, Boeing, Paine Weber, Starbucks and many more.

DID YOU KNOW?: That Mexico regularly intercedes on the side of the defense in criminal cases involving Mexican nationals? Did you know that Mexico has NEVER extradited a Mexican national accused of murder in the U.S. in spite of agreements to do so? According to the L.A. Times, Orange County, California is home to 275 gangs with 17,000 members; 98% of which are Mexican and Asian. How’s your county doing?

According to a New York Times article dated May 19, 1994, 20 years after the great influx of legal immigrants from Southeast Asia, 30% are still on welfare compared to 8% of households nationwide. A Wall Street Journal editorial dated December 5, 1994 quotes law enforcement officials as stating that Asian mobsters are the “greatest criminal challenge the country faces.” Not bad for a group that is still under 5% of the population.

Is education important to you? Here are the words of a teacher who spent over 20 years in the Los Angeles School system. “Imagine teachers in classes containing 30-40 students of widely varying attention spans and motivation, many of whom aren’t fluent in English. Educators seek learning materials likely to reach the majority of students and that means fewer words and math problems and more pictures and multicultural references.”

WHEN I WAS YOUNG: I remember hearing about the immigrants that came through Ellis Island. They wanted to learn English. They wanted to breathe free. They wanted to become Americans. NOW, they are invaders and far too many invaders come here with demands. They demand to be taught in their own language, to be granted drivers licenses and voting rights, health care (MediCal), WIC and welfare. It won’t be long before they demand Social Security benefits. They demand special privileges–affirmative action. They demand ethnic studies that glorify their culture. Many invaders drive vehicles with no vehicle insurance or drivers licenses (breaking our laws again) and many aren’t courteous to other drivers on the roads. They cause many traffic accidents (most of the “hit and runs” and if the vehicle won’t run after the accident, they run if they can – they don’t believe in taking responsibility for their own actions).

HOW CAN YOU HELP? Send copies of this letter to at least two other people, 100 would be even better.
And vote out the liberal IDIOTS that create and embrace these ludicrous, self destructive laws for the USA (most of the Democrats’ House and Senate seats – time for some new more rational Democratic blood OR just vote in a Republican instead)!

De-throne most of the liberal Democrats; most of them have done too much damage to America already! It is time for a change of leadership in the Democratic Party! They don’t have America’s best interests at heart, they only want to grab the power to control you and dictate their distorted will on you. They won’t claim any responsibility for the damage they have already done to America; they are like the invaders in that respect. It’s time for some new blood in the Democratic Party; they need to get back to the early values that used to drive the Democrats back in the 40’s OR just vote in a Republican instead!

These invaders need to be chipped, punished (caned or something that hurts), fined and sent back to Mexico. And the smugglers that bring these invaders into our country should be dealt with even more severely! Many of the terrorists are getting into the USA and using Mexican names. Mexico needs to take responsibility for its citizens invading the USA. Mexico needs to purge all its corrupt leaders and provide assistance to its citizens so they want to stay in Mexico!

Mexico is our enemy in that they will not fight the terrorists who want to use Mexico as a staging site to get into the USA. Many times Mexico has assisted our enemies! This makes Mexico our enemy, their current leadership certainly can’t be trusted. Mexican militia is currently assisting Mexicans to get across our southern boarder!
Why isn’t Pres. Bush doing more about this major problem?

E-mail him and your Representatives and senators to get some answers.
Find your congress person

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