Climate Change

Global climate change is a scam

This started off in response to comments on an article I DIGGed. There are a lot of idiots on DIGG pushing Global warming and calling anyone who disputes their so called theory deniers.

I have plenty of facts that Global warming is a hoax as do all of us who KNOW that global warming/climate change is a scam and the only people claiming it exists stand to profit from making us change our life styles or are their blind followers. Which are you? If you believe in Global warming because leftist media or school teachers told it’s a fact, Where are their facts? All made up, distortions and outright lies. It is a THEORY and theories are open to question and change all the time. These are the same people who were telling us climate theory said we were going to have another ice age in the early 1970s.

Owl Gore is the biggest hypocrite and liar around, he is one of the biggest personal users of energy in Tennessee, has a mine (believe it is Nickel but not sure) on his property that is on the EPA clean up list and is a major seller of “carbon Credits”. GE makes CFL lights, wind turbines, selling Carbon Credits and is HEAVILY supporting climate change and a MAJOR supporter of Obama and others who are trying to push this lie on you. see GE’s incestuous relationship with Obama

Now Oboma and the Democrats in Congress Pelosie and Reed are trying to push through carbon taxes which will drive your energy costs through the roof. Oboma has been quoted as saying he wanted to see gas/fuel prices over $5 a gallon so you would have to give up your cars and use public transportation when he was a senator. I though he said he wasn’t going to raise your taxes.. Also said his administration and bills would be transparent and open and published on the Internet for what was it 15 days? So You the public can see what is going on. Then why are they trying rush all this legislation through with out publishing it on the Internet where you can see it and passing it in the middle of the night when even your congress persons have not READ WHAT THEY ARE VOTING ON. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!! They are trying to take control of everything from banking, insurance, auto industry, energy and now your health care. If that isn’t socialism then what is? Socialism has failed every where it has been implemented. Name me one thing government does well. Well!? Social Security is going broke, Medicare is nearly broke and full of corruption, the veterans administration has terrible health care and you want these people to “fix the heath care crisis” they claim exists? Our government controlled schools suck, they don’t teach they brain wash kids with liberal ideals. I could go on and on about how about everything the government does sucks but I’m getting off track here. There isn’t ONE thing government has ever done that hasn’t been extremely more expensive than what they said it would be in the beginning. Oboma has already doubled the deficit since he has been in office and if everything they have passed so far is implemented will spend more money we don’t have than ALL the presidents before him combined and he’s still spending more!! The Democrats are running the economy with all this spending and are destroying the value of the dollar by printing money to cover their insane spending spree. We are so far in debt that China and the middle east don’t want give us any more credit!

Here are some links that show Global Warming/Global Climate Change is all a scam and a lie.

Global Warming Petition Project 31,478 American scientists have signed this petition, including 9,029 with PhDs denying global warming.

Global Warming Fraud’s Channel

Harmful Man Induced Climate Change Refuted

The Global Warming Hoax

Global Climate Scam

Ponder the Maunder


Pain in Maine, but they can measure rain

How not to measure temperature, part 22

Surface Stations, Climate Stations records and Surveys

Several of the links document how poorly sited the stations which are saying there is any warming going on. Next to AC units, in parking lots and other artificial heat sources, not anywhere close to the specifications for correctly measuring temperature. It is a fact for the last few years we have been experiencing global COOLING. The earths climate changes because of the SUN primarily, not anything man is doing. The sun as been at solar minimum for the last few years and has had a lack of sun spots not seen in decades.
global climate change

Scott’s Weather Station

Scott’s world

Scott’s Conservative Blog

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Gun Ban Repeal Passes Senate — Battle Now In The House

Senate Repeals D.C. Gun Ban By Large Vote
— But the fight in the House is just beginning

Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

Monday, March 2, 2009

By a resounding vote of 62 to 36 last week, the U.S. Senate has approved
an amendment, offered by Senator John Ensign of Nevada, to repeal the
D.C. gun ban.


But the battle is not over.

This week, the House will take up the D.C. voting legislation. And
anti-gun Speaker Nancy Pelosi is angling to impose a “gag rule” on the
House, so that D.C. gets its unconstitutional representative, while
continuing its draconian anti-gun laws (like microstamping).

So here’s the deal: The House will be asked to consider a “rule” which
establishes the time for debate and provides for which amendments may be
considered — and which may not.

It is expected that the Pelosi rule will seek to deny the House any vote
on the D.C. gun ban and thereby strip the repeal of the ban from the
House bill.

So what we are asking you to do is to write and/or call your congressman
and demand that he oppose any rule that strips the D.C. gun ban repeal
from the D.C. voting bill.

Just to remind you of how draconian the D.C. gun law is:

  • Following the Supreme Court’s decision in Heller declaring the law to
    be unconstitutional, D.C. made a few cosmetic changes which will, as a
    practical matter, allow it to continue to deny its citizens the right to
    keep and bear arms.
  • Then, the City Council passed a whole series of new anti-gun measures.
    These include a requirement that most guns used for self-defense
    “microstamp” fired casings in two places with a “unique serial number.”

Aside from being ineffectual with respect to stolen guns or crimes where
the brass has not been left behind, this microstamping provision is
intended to make guns so expensive that they won’t be available anywhere
— including your state.

ACTION: Write your Representative and urge him or her in the strongest
terms to oppose any rule which will strip the gun ban repeal from the
D.C. voting bill.

You can go to the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center at to send your Representative the
pre-written e-mail message below.

You can also call him or her toll-free at 1-877-762-8762.

—– Prewritten Letter —–

Dear Representative:

This week, when the House takes up the D.C. voting legislation, please
vote against any rule that strips the Senate’s pro-gun language and/or
imposes a “gag rule” on members of the House.

Just to remind you of how virulently anti-gun the D.C. gun law is:
Following the Supreme Court’s decision in Heller declaring the law to be
unconstitutional, D.C. made a few cosmetic changes which will, as a
practical matter, allow it to continue to deny its citizens the right to
keep and bear arms.

But, in addition, the City Council passed a whole series of new anti-gun
measures. These include a requirement that most guns used for
self-defense “microstamp” fired casings in two places with a “unique
serial number.”

Aside from being ineffectual with respect to stolen guns or crimes where
the brass has not been left behind, this microstamping provision is
intended to make guns so expensive that they won’t be available anywhere
— including my state.

I urge you, in the strongest terms, to oppose any rule that makes it
impossible for you to vote on the D.C. gun ban repeal.


Please do not reply directly to this message, as your reply will
bounce back as undeliverable.

To subscribe to free, low-volume GOA alerts, go to on the web. Change of e-mail
address may also be made at that location.

To unsubscribe send a message to with the word unsubscribe in
the subject line or use the url below.

Problems, questions or comments? The main GOA e-mail address is at your disposal. Please do not add that
address to distribution lists sending more than ten messages per
week or lists associated with issues other than gun rights.

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2nd Amendment Politics

I joined the resistance

I am not going to sit by silently as Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi
and Harry Reid re-make our nation in their liberal image.

That’s why I just joined a grassroots conservative effort to
RESIST Obama’s liberal agenda. Please go here to join with me:



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