2nd Amendment RKBA

‘Acorn Uses Public Funds to Steal Elections , Now Your Gun Rights,’Says SAF



BELLEVUE, WA ACORN, the publicly-funded national organization linked to voter fraud in several states is now actively interfering with the exercise of firearm civil rights in New Jersey, and the Second Amendment Foundation is calling for an immediate federal investigation.

ACORN has, since 1998, received an estimated $31 million in government funding, said SAF founder Alan Gottlieb. Now they have intervened in a New Jersey gun rights case in defense of an illegal Jersey City one-gun-a-month ordinance that violates the state preemption statute.

For the past few election cycles, Gottlieb noted, ACORN has clearly grown more partisan toward the political Left. ACORN S PAC has endorsed Sen. Barack Obama for president. That s hardly surprising since he used to serve as their legal counsel and he taught the group about community organizing. ACORN and Obama are lockstep in seeking to destroy our Second Amendment rights.

The organization is currently under FBI investigation over allegations of voter fraud in several states, he added. Bad enough that ACORN is implicated in fraudulent activities in several states, but now an ACORN chapter in the Garden State is working against the ability of New Jersey gun owners to exercise a constitutionally-protected individual civil right to own a handgun.

It is an outrage that this group has intervened to defend an anti-gun ordinance that has already been declared illegal by the court, he observed. So long as ACORN accepts one penny of public funding, the organization should remain absolutely neutral on social issues, political campaigns and especially legal actions defending the right to keep and bear arms.

We call upon the FBI to expand the scope of its ACORN investigation and focus on the group s involvement in the Jersey City case, Gottlieb stated. We support Ohio Congressman John Boehner s request that the White House immediately block all federal funding of ACORN activities until this group s questionable activities are fully investigated. We want to know how they are paying for attorneys, and why Seton Hall s Center for Social Justice and the Public Interest Law Center are providing legal assistance to ACORN for this effort.

This is still the United States, not a socialist gulag Gottlieb concluded. Public money should not be given to private organizations which then turn around and utilize that funding to usurp the electoral process and erode constitutionally-guaranteed civil rights.


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Copyright © 2008 Second Amendment Foundation, All Rights Reserved.

Second Amendment Foundation
James Madison Building
12500 N.E. Tenth Place
Bellevue, WA 98005 Voice: 425-454-7012
Toll Free: 800-426-4302
FAX: 425-451-3959

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2nd Amendment RKBA

GOA 2008 Voter Guide Update

With the Elections Just Two Weeks Away…
GOA’s Voter Guide is now more user-friendly than ever!

Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The GOA Political Victory Fund website is now hosting GOA’s voter guide ratings. If you haven’t checked out the ratings for the candidates who are running for Congress in your state, now is the time to do so.

You can go to to check out the new face lift.
Congressional and presidential ratings are all in one place now, and users will find the information they’re looking for in a much timelier manner.

The election is now just two weeks away! And while most candidates are running from the gun issue, GOA’s ratings hold their feet to the fire.

You owe it to yourself to check out the record of those who are trying to represent you in Congress, and to encourage others you know to check out the ratings as well.

GOA hopes you will make use of this valuable tool and share it with yourfamily and friends. Please distribute this e-mail far and wide. Thank you!

Are You A Bitter Clinger?– 3XL Now Available

Who is a Bitter Clinger? According to Sen. Barack Obama, who was recorded unawares at a San Francisco fundraiser, bitter clingers are
voters who are bitter because of their economic frustration and so cling bitterly to their Bibles and their guns.

If you are a bitter clinger, Gun Owners of America has a T-shirt for you!

You can proudly proclaim your membership in this class of people so looked down upon by the elites in our country.

To see the Bitter Clinger T-shirt, and for ordering information, go to:

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[Fcalerts-list] Clearer Choice


Please reply to feedback [at] using appropriate email format.

For months GunVoters have been frustrated by party politics as usual with an inexperienced, ultra-liberal, anti-gun, Democrat pretending to be a moderate, pro-Second Amendment, pragmatist; and a “maverick,” moderate, inconsistent on guns, Republican running hard toward the middle and doing little to reassure GunVoters.

Now that both candidates have introduced their choices for Vice-President, the picture has cleared up substantially.

Barack Obama’s choice is Joe Biden of Delaware. Biden is an old-school, party machine, liberal Democrat with a long and unvarnished record of support for virtually any legislation restricting the rights of gunowners. Biden brags that he was one of the original architects of the “assault weapons” ban, and has been on the wrong side of almost every gun vote in his extremely long career in the Senate. That lifetime membership in the most exclusive millionaires’ club in the world – the U.S.Senate – also throws a bit of a wet rag on Obama’s ‘new politics, changing Washington’ rhetoric. Biden’s foreign policy experience includes several votes and positions that are in direct conflict with Obama’s votes and positions, and that is going to become an issue before November.

On the other side of the card, John McCain went out on a limb and tapped a first-term governor from Alaska, Sarah Palin. Palin is a no-nonsense, staunch conservative with a reputation for having the courage of her convictions and for holding politicians and bureaucrats responsible for their actions regardless of their party affiliations. Palin hunts and fishes and is a strong supporter of gunowner rights. While her lack of experience raises some questions, the fact that she is running in the back seat with almost as much experience as Barack Obama, makes it tough for the Democrats to be too critical. McCain can be expected to draw a comparison between an experienced pilot commanding a plane with a rookie co-pilot, and putting a rookie in command. Ready to lead versus ready to step in if needs be is a pretty dramatic difference. Of course that’s a difference that was completely lost on New York Senator and anti-gun zealot, Chuck Schumer. Schumer immediately pounced on McCain’s pick as inexperienced and not ready to lead…

Obama’s choice of Biden should erase any doubt as to the Democrat’s position on guns and individual rights, and it should raise doubts about his commitment to change in Washington.

McCain’s choice of Palin should seriously bolster the lackluster support he’s received from the conservative base and particularly invigorate pro-gun, pro-hunting, and pro-life activists. At the same time, Palin broadens the tent simply by the fact that she is a woman.

The bottom line is that these VP candidates make the choice for President much clearer than it has been to this point and should make this a much more interesting race.

As always though, we must keep in mind that the President can only do as much harm or good as the Congress allows. It is critical that GunVoters get involved and active in the races for Senate, House, state legislatures, and Governor. As Obama and Palin both dramatically highlight, little politicians grow up to be big politicians so a candidates position on gun rights matters in every election at every level.

As the political season heats up, it is more important than ever that you go to and share the information you have about candidates and learn what you can about others. can be an invaluable resource in this and future elections, but only with your help.

The latest edition of the Hard Corps Report is at the printer’s and should hit mailboxes in a couple of days. If you don’t subscribe yet, send us your snail-mail address and we’ll let you sample it for free. Just drop a note to info at FirearmsCoalition dot org.

Please forward and repost this alert as widely as possible.

Yours for the Second Amendment,
Jeff Knox
Director, The firearms Coalition

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2nd Amendment RKBA

Platform Comfirms Dems Still ‘Don’t Get it’ About Gun Rights, Says CCRKBA



BELLEVUE, WA The 2008 Democratic Party’s draft platform confirms that the party still doesn’t get it about Second Amendment gun rights versus the Utopian fantasy that gun control laws will somehow make neighborhoods safer, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

While promising to preserve our Second Amendment rights, said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, the party platform demonizes semiautomatic sport utility rifles and wants them banned, calls for anti-gun show legislation and proposes so-called common-sense gun laws. Many Democrats believe bans on most guns are common sense and they still support the handgun ban in Barack Obama’s hometown of Chicago. Boiled down, all it really means is that the Democrats are still the party of gun control no matter how they try to re-package the rhetoric, and they know it.

Gottlieb, co-author of a new book called These Dogs Don’t Hunt: The Democrats War on Guns, said the party is shamelessly telling American gun owners that they embrace the rights of millions of shooters, hunters and gun collectors, but there’s a caveat.

The party’s gun control platform plank puts the lie to everything they say, he added. As Democrats descend on Denver to nominate a candidate who is on record in opposition to sensible concealed carry laws, we encourage gun owners across the country, and especially in Colorado, to remind the party that the Supreme Court in June held that gun bans are unconstitutional. Yet here they are, calling for a ban on so-called assault weapons even after years of experience tells us that Bill Clinton’s ban accomplished nothing, and cost the party control of Congress in 1994.

Democrats want to regulate gun shows out of business, he continued, even after a study done for the Justice Department found that gun shows are rarely the source of firearms used by criminals. Gun shows provide a forum, a gathering place for law-abiding gun owners to discuss ideas and issues, and share constitutionally protected freedoms of speech, assembly and the right to keep and bear arms. Increasingly, Democrats seem averse to the exercise of these rights by anyone who does not share their philosophy. And this is the party of inclusion?

Democrats have an opportunity to reject and repudiate this platform, Gottlieb concluded. If they do not, that tells American gun owners everything they need to know about Democrats as November approaches.


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Copyright © 2008 Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, All Rights Reserved.
Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
James Madison Building
12500 N.E. Tenth Place
Bellevue, WA 98005Voice: 425-454-4911
Toll Free: 800-426-4302
FAX: 425-451-3959

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Concealed Carry Reciprocity In Congress!

Senator Vitter To Offer Concealed Carry Reciprocity Amendment
— Action needed right away!

Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Senator David Vitter (R-LA) has filed a pro-gun amendment to HR 980, and it
could be voted on as early as tomorrow!

This amendment would protect the right of citizens to carry concealed
weapons (outside of their home state) in states that allow concealed carry.

Sen. Vitter explains that his amendment does not violate the rights of
states as it “does NOT establish national standards for concealed carry, nor
does it provide for a national carry permit.”

In other words, the Vitter amendment specifically says that state laws
concerning specific types of locations in which firearms may not be carried
shall be followed. “My amendment will not federalize concealed carry
permits but simply requires concealed carry permits to be recognized in
other states that allow concealed carry permits,” Vitter said.

This is a real reciprocity provision which grants citizens the “full faith
and credit” protection that is guaranteed in Article IV of the Constitution.
Section 1 of this article says:

Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts,
Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress
may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records, and
Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.

Vitter says that this constitutional provision authorizes the Congress to
pass legislation forcing each state to recognize the “public Acts” of other
states. So if states are not willing to recognize another state’s laws,
Congress has the authority to pass laws to require recognition of those

It’s just like with driver’s licenses. If certain states refused to honor
the driver’s licenses of citizens in other states, Congress could pass
legislation (under Article IV) to require every state to honor all licenses.

ACTION: Please urge your Senators to vote for the Vitter amendment to HR
980 to protect the right to carry concealed firearms outside of your home

You can visit the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center at to send your Senators the pre-written
e-mail message below. And, you can call your Senators at 202-224-3121 or
toll-free at 1-877-762-8762.

—– Pre-written letter —–

Dear Senator:

Please support the Vitter amendment to HR 980. This amendment will protect
the right of citizens to carry firearms outside of their home state without
violating the rights of other states. Thus, the Vitter language masterfully
protects the principle of federalism while also promoting Second Amendment

A person’s right to defend himself and his family should not end at the
border of his state.

I urge you to vote for the Vitter concealed carry amendment.


Defend The 2nd Amendment Through Creative Giving…

As we confront the challenges of the future, we know that the generosity of
those who assist us will make all the difference in our success. That’s why
GOA seeks your long-term support.

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assets and make a gift at the same time through:

  • a bequest
  • a retirement plan
  • a will, living trust, or insurance policy

Requests for information are confidential and do not represent an

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2nd Amendment

Gun Rights Week Coverage on Glenn Beck – Tune In

Dear Fellow NRA Member,

In honor of NRA’s upcoming annual meeting and his keynote address to our annual banquet on Saturday May 17, Glenn Beck is holding “Gun Rights Week” on both his radio and T.V. shows.

These shows will be broadcast on the Premiere Radio Network’s 280 stations from 9 a.m. to noon, Eastern, and on CNN Headline News Network every night at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.

Each day, Glenn will feature a new gun rights segment on his shows. I’ll be his guest on Tuesday, and NRA-ILA’s Chris Cox will be the featured guest on Wednesday. And each day for the rest of the week, there will be another firearm freedom expert talking to Glenn and millions of his listeners.

The toll free call-in number for Glenn’s radio show is 1-888-727-BECK. So if you have a question or comment about the elections, Right-to-Carry, crime, the Supreme Court Heller case, Castle Doctrine, or any Second Amendment issue, CALL!

For more information on broadcast times, stations and special guests, visit and click the “radio” or “T.V.” banners. Glenn will also be providing transcripts and video links to all the interviews and segments in his free daily email newsletter, which you can sign up for on his site.

As one more favor to me, be sure to tell every gun owner you know about these important broadcasts. Please take a moment today, while you’re sitting at your computer, to forward this e-mail to your contact list.

Also, be sure to keep your eyes on the national news this Friday between 12:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. Eastern, when NRA kicks off our weekend-long event with our Celebration of American Values Leadership Forum.

Confirmed speakers include Kentucky Lt. Governor Daniel Mongiardo, T.V. personality Ollie North, political strategist Karl Rove, former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton, Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, Senator Mitch McConnell, Navy Seal Marcus Luttrell, Governor Mike Huckabee, Governor Mitt Romney, and John McCain.

Over 10,000 NRA members will attend, making this the largest political event in NRA’s history.

All the major national news outlets will have cameras and reporters on hand to cover this event. Live, for over four hours on Friday afternoon-and in thousands of broadcast hours, and electronic and print pages to follow-NRA and our election-year defense of Second Amendment will dominate the news.

Thanks again for your support of NRA and thanks for helping spread the word about these important broadcast events!


National Rifle Association * 11250 Waples Mill Road * Fairfax, VA 22030

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2nd Amendment RKBA

Ramifications Of The Veterans Disarmament Act

Q&A On The Veterans Disarmament Act
— How the new law will affect you and where we go from here

Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

As most Americans were preparing for the Christmas holidays last
month, the U.S. Congress pulled another fast one when only few people
were watching.

It was December 19. Most Congressmen had left town and were either
at the airport or in the air returning home. They weren’t in
Washington, DC, because their party leadership had told them that all
the major votes were over… that the only legislative business left
related to non-controversial issues, such as when Congress would
return from Christmas break, etc.

But it was then, with most of the Congress gone, that the House and
Senate passed the Veterans Disarmament Act without a recorded vote.
It was a huge deja vu, as this was the method that a previous
Democratic Congress used — together with compliant Republicans — to
pass the original Brady Law in 1993.


In the fury that resulted from this “fast one,” many Americans have
wanted to blame the entire lot of them… all 535 congressmen. And,
to be sure, there is an extent to which they all share some blame.

But to be fair, no one congressmen can camp out on the floor of the
House or Senate chambers, every day, 24/7. It’s a physical
impossibility, which is why members of each party rely on their
leadership to protect their interests and keep them informed. And
that’s where the betrayal occurred.

No Unanimous Consent agreement can pass the House or Senate without
the leaders of both parties signing off. And on December 19, the
leaders of each party sent their members home for the Christmas
holidays, while forging Unanimous Consent agreements in each chamber.

As such, the immediate ire should be directed at the following
legislators: Democrats such as Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi
(D-CA) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV); Republicans such
as House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) and Senate Minority
Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).

Obviously, the backers of the Veterans Disarmament Act should be held
to account, as well. Most of the lead sponsors were Democrats —
such as Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

But there were a few key Republicans who helped cosponsor the
legislation: Representatives Michael Castle (DE), Christopher Shays
(CT) and Lamar Smith (TX). And dishonorable mention goes to Tom
Price of Georgia who was physically present on the House floor on
December 19. It was Rep. Price who asked for the Unanimous Consent
agreement to pass the Veterans Disarmament Act without a vote.

Finally, many of you know that Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) held up the
bill in the Senate for several months. His intentions were laudable
as he desperately wanted to protect Second Amendment rights and cut
unconstitutional spending.

Unfortunately, not one pro-gun senator chose to stand with Coburn…
not one. In fact, GOA felt just as alone as Coburn did. While two
veterans groups (and several pro-gun state groups) sided with us, GOA
was the only pro-gun group at the federal level that actively fought
this legislation week after week, while another and bigger
organization was working behind the scenes to help pass the Veterans
Disarmament Act.

Standing alone, Senator Coburn decided to negotiate for a better
bill. GOA was asked for input and made a few contributions to the
bill, but not enough to justify support for the Veterans Disarmament

Add to this fact that GOA was prevented from seeing the final version
of the bill before the brokered Schumer-Coburn compromise was taken
to the floor under a Unanimous Consent agreement.

As a result, Senator Coburn spoke in favor of the compromise bill on the floor of the Senate — something that was a huge mistake, for many of the glaring problems with the bill still remained untouched.

So chalk up a victory for Chuck Schumer… and for Carolyn McCarthy
as well, as she told CBS News, “This is the best Christmas present I
could ever receive.”


It would be a mistake to under-react — or over-react — to the
passage of the Veterans Disarmament Act. On the bad side, this bill
statutorily validates BATF regulations which could potentially disarm
millions of Americans. This is a VERY DANGEROUS turn of events which
will have huge ramifications over the next several decades.

The extent to which its unconstitutional potential will be realized
will be clear only over time — and perhaps a long time — and will
depend on whether pro-gunners or anti-gunners are in power. For
example, it took a full thirty years for language in the 1968 Gun
Control Act to be used to disarm veterans.

On the other hand, GOA was able to secure a few modest concessions
which should provide some protection to gun owners — though NOT

So having said that, what are the implications of this legislation
for Americans with psychiatric diagnoses?

Although we succeeded in forcing the deletion of the ratification of
the BATF regulations, per se, section 101 (c) (1) (C) contains new
language which could make you a “prohibited person” (unable to own a
gun) based solely on a medical finding (by a psychiatrist or
psychologist), provided:

  • That you had “an opportunity for a hearing by a court, board,
    commission or other lawful authority”; and
  • In the future, that you had notice that you would be made a
    “prohibited person” as a result of the agency action (section 101 (c)
    (3)). [NOTE: This was added pursuant to negotiations over GOA’s
    objections to the bill.]

However, even these modest gains have severe limitations. Up to
140,000 veterans had their gun rights taken away as a result of a
diagnosis of a mental disorder such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
(PTSD). But this new law does not require two important things for
those 140,000 people:

  1. The new law does not require that a veteran needed to have any knowledge of the ramifications of the “diagnosis” in the past — and the fact that this diagnosis could disarm him or her for life. How many veterans suffering from PTSD simply went to Veterans Affairs, hoping to get treatment, but now face a lifetime gun ban because of the new law?
  • Also, the act does not require that the disarmed vets even knew
    they had a right to appeal their diagnosis. Many of the 140,000
    Americans who have now lost their Second Amendment rights first
    received a letter from Veterans Affairs telling them that, due to
    their diagnosis, a “guardian” was being appointed for them to handle
    their affairs. As stated above, how many vets realized that this
    action would deem them as “mental defective” under the 1968 Gun
    Control Act and strip them of their gun rights?

  • Moreover, how many vets realized they could challenge this action by
    appealing the diagnosis? If they didn’t realize the significance of
    this VA letter, most likely, the vets did nothing, as they were more
    concerned with getting the monetary benefits that such a diagnosis
    would bring. But, whether they knew these things or not, this new
    law would still validate the removal of their Second Amendment


    If you have been subject to a psychological or psychiatric diagnosis,
    the following may be helpful:

    • A diagnosis by your private doctor — with no government
      involvement — will probably cause you no problems.
  • The biggest danger remains the danger for veterans. Although the
    language of this bill could conceivably disarm adults who were
    diagnosed as kids with ADHD in connection with the IDEA program,
    seniors on Medicare with Alzheimers, etc., we know of no active
    efforts to disarm persons in these cases — yet.

  • The likelihood that new classes of people will be disarmed will be
    directly related to the ease of accomplishing this though a computer
    keyboard. If your file exists only on microfiche in a dusty basement
    cabinet, you are relatively safe for now — although, keep in mind,
    the new law calls for monies to be spent on collecting and updating
    records like this.

  • Obviously, the question of whether a gun hater or Second Amendment
    supporter is in the White House on January 20, 2009, will have a lot
    to do with how vigorously this new statute is enforced.


    In the unlikely event that you can get your diagnosis “set aside,”
    “expunged,” or found to no longer exist, you can regain your rights.
    [See section 101(c)(1)(A)&(B).]

    The McClure-Volkmer “relief from disabilities” provisions which have
    been blocked by sponsor Schumer for 15 years have been reinstated and
    expanded — so that they will now exist in the broader range of state
    and federal agencies which this bill will allow to make you a
    prohibited person. Pursuant to negotiations over GOA’s objections,
    we were able to secure very modest improvements which:

    • Would allow you to sue to get your rights restored if the agency
      sat on your appeal for 365 days;
  • Would allow you to get your legal fees if you prevail against the
    agency in court;

  • Would prevent Schumer from defunding these efforts in the same way
    he defunded McClure-Volkmer — by requiring the 3% of state funds under this bill be used for these “relief from disabilities” programs.

  • But here’s the major loophole in all of this. What minimal gains were granted by the “right hand” are taken away by the “left.” Section 105 provides a process for some Americans diagnosed with so-called mental disabilities to get their rights restored in the state where they live. But then, in subsection (a)(2), the bill stipulates that such relief may occur only if “the person will not be likely to act in a manner dangerous to public safety and that the GRANTING OF THE RELIEF WOULD NOT BE CONTRARY TO THE PUBLIC INTEREST.” (Emphasis added.)

    This language sounds similar to those state codes (like California’s)
    that have “may issue” concealed carry laws — where citizens
    “technically” have the right to carry, but state law only says that
    sheriffs MAY ISSUE them a permit to carry. When given such leeway,
    those sheriffs usually don’t grant the permits!

    As we have predicted before: liberal states — the same states that
    took these people’s rights away — will treat almost every person who
    has been illegitimately denied as a danger to society and claim that
    granting relief would be “contrary to the public interest.”


    GOA is devising strategies with House and Senate members to restore
    veterans’ rights. Please stay tuned.

    Defend The 2nd Amendment Through Creative Giving…

    As we confront the challenges of the future, we know that the
    generosity of those who assist us will make all the difference in our
    success. That’s why GOA seeks your long-term support.

    Please call 703-321-8585 during regular business hours or e-mail to request information on how to keep control
    of your assets and make a gift at the same time through:

    • a bequest
    • a retirement plan
    • a will, living trust, or insurance policy

    Requests for information are confidential and do not represent an

    To subscribe to free, low-volume GOA alerts, go to on the web. Change of e-mail address may also be made at that location.

    To unsubscribe send a message to with the word unsubscribe in the subject line or use the url below.

    Problems, questions or comments? The main GOA e-mail address is at your disposal. Please do not add that
    address to distribution lists sending more than ten messages per
    week or lists associated with issues other than gun rights.

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    2nd Amendment Election

    Romney still supports background checks and assault weapons ban

    Note that I heard Romney state he supported the assault weapon ban during the first Republican debate. Even though I am LDS I would not support someone who does not understand the constitution. The Right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed! Scott.

    Romney still supports background checks and assault weapons ban12/17/2007 – This Sunday on Meet The Press (MTP), Governor Mitt Romney restated his support for the Brady Registration Act and a renewal of the assault weapons ban.

    MTP host Tim Russert — certainly no friend of gun owners — pressed Romney on his flip-flopping on the issue of gun rights, questioning Romney’s election year pandering to gun owners and his consistent record of supporting and signing gun control measures in Massachusetts.

    Romney’s reply was typical of a politician trying to avoid a difficult record. Romney tried the same old stick, claiming support to the Second Amendment and the rights of gun owners and hunters. However, you and I both know that actions speak louder than words.

    As Massachusetts’ governor, Romney signed an assault weapons ban, supported the Brady Registration Act, 5 day waiting periods and firearm registration cards.

    Romney claimed to Russert that he was opposed to waiting periods. However, in 2002 Romney was a supporter of waiting periods to purchase firearms. Romney continued in the interview to restate his support for the Brady Registration Act and a ban on all so-called “assault weapons.”

    GOV. ROMNEY: I supported the assault weapon ban… I would have supported the original assault weapon ban. I signed an assault weapon ban as Massachusetts governor because it provided for a relaxation of licensing requirements for gun owners in Massachusetts, which was a big plus… And if there is determined to be, from time to time, a weapon of such lethality that it poses a grave risk to our law enforcement personnel, that’s something I would consider signing. There’s nothing of that nature that’s being proposed today in Washington. But, but I would, I would look at weapons that pose extraordinary lethality…

    Romney went on to directly state that he would renew the 1994 Feinstein “Assault Weapons” Ban.

    GOV. ROMNEY: Just as the president said, he would have, he would have signed that bill [the assault weapons ban] if it came to his desk, and so would have I.

    Romney continued his anti-gun rant, to say that he supports limited access to firearms.

    GOV. ROMNEY: Well, we have, we have a background check. That’s the key thing. I support background checks to, to–for people who are going into a store or whatever and buying a weapon, I want them to have a background check to make sure…But my position is we should check on the backgrounds of people who are trying to purchase guns. We also should keep weapons of unusual lethality from being on the street.

    The bottom line is quite simple: Governor Romney wants voters in Iowa, New Hampshire and across the country to believe that he supports our right to keep and bear arms. The truth is that Romney supports significant increases in gun control, and is unapologetic about signing the Massachusetts assault weapons ban.

    You can read the full transcript of the interview here:

    You can watch video of Romney on Meet the Press here:



    National Association for Gun Rights

    P.O. Box 7002

    Fredericksburg, VA 22404



    Phone: (888) 874-3006 Toll-Free

    Fax: (202) 351-0578

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    2nd Amendment RKBA

    Beware Holiday Season Ambush

    Beware Holiday Season Ambush

    If that eery silence about H.R. 2640 (the Veteran Disarmament bill by Carolyn McCarthy) makes you uneasy, it should: the best time for our opponents to slip gun control through the legislative process is when it’s quiet, and everyone’s occupied by other business.

    It’s no coincidence that gun control often gains steam close to the Holiday season, when Americans are busy with filling that deer tag, going to Christmas plays, shopping and getting the basement room ready for Grandma.

    Some good news:

    • Sources at the Gun Rights Policy Conference reported that when NRA-ILA Federal Affair lobbyist Chuck Cunningham spoke, he was assaulted with questions about why the NRA was supporting McCarthy’s bill. Immediately after that woodshedding, Wayne LaPierre canceled his speaking appearance at the event — none of LaPierre’s handlers wanted the “face of the NRA” to be caught on video defending their support of gun control.

    Friends, that is encouraging: the NRA is feeling the heat on this issue, and if they back off of the bill, H.R. 2640’s support on Capitol Hill will lose votes faster than Obama at a John Birch Society straw poll.

    And though that is good news, we have bad news:

    • Expert sources on the Hill are telling us that politicians took notice of the firestorm that struck their offices late this summer and early fall, but now believe the heat is off and are once again eyeing the passage of HR 2640.
    • An NRA insider has told us that yet another deal is in the works between the NRA and Congressional offices, something designed to pass the bill while giving the NRA cover to continue their support.

    This confirms what we know: there’s a lot of deal-making happening in Washington on this issue, and it’s very dangerous to our rights. These next few weeks — until the end of 2007 — are pivotal.

    If history repeats itself (and it often does), this Holiday season is a likely spot for our rights to be ambushed.

    What you can do:

    1) Call Senators Mike Crapo and Jim Bunning and tell them to join Senator Coburn in opposition to H.R. 2640, the McCarthy/Leahy Gun Control Bill.

    Call Senator Mike Crapo s office at (202) 224-6142. To e-mail senator Crapo go here:

    Call Senator Bunning’s office at (202) 224-4343. To e-mail Senator Bunning go here:

    2) Call or e-mail the NRA and tell them to stop schmoozing with Sarah Brady and Chuck Schummer and oppose H.R. 2640.

    Call (800) 392-8683 or e-mail the NRA s federal lobbyist, Chuck Cunningham at and

    For NAGR s extensive analysis of H.R. 2640, go here:


    National Association for Gun Rights

    P.O. Box 7002

    Fredericksburg, VA 22404



    Phone: (888) 874-3006 Toll-Free

    Fax: (202) 351-0578

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    2nd Amendment RKBA

    NRA board member Nugent nukes gun control deal; Veteran’s group’s oppose H.R. 2640, too

    At least there is one NRA board member that has it right. Thank you Ted!

    NRA board member Nugent nukes gun control deal


    NRA board member Ted Nugent has come out in opposition to H.R. 2640, calling it Janet Reno’s dream.  Here’s what rocker Nugent said about H.R. 2640:

    In its open letter of May 9, 2007, BATFE makes it clear that this “danger” doesn’t have to be “imminent” or “substantial,” but can include “any danger” at all. How many shrinks — using the Pennsylvania standard — are going to say that a pro-gun American like you, who believes the Second Amendment is the last defense against tyranny, DOESN’T POSE AT LEAST AN INFINITESIMAL RISK of hurting someone else?

    As easy as that, your gun rights would be gone forever.

    (Go here to read Nugent’s full comments:

    Veteran’s group’s oppose H.R. 2640


    The American Legion and the Military Order of the Purple Heart have joined National Association for Gun Rights, Gun Owners of America and dozens and dozens of state and local gun rights groups in opposition to Rep. Carolyn McCarthy and Sen. Patrick Leahy’s massive expansion of the Brady Registration Act, H.R. 2640.

    Opposition to H.R. 2640 continues to grow, thanks exclusively to the grassroots activism of gun owners — like you and me– across the country.   All of the establishment, and notably the institutional gun lobby that s the NRA and their Gucci-loafered lobbyists are supporting H.R. 2640, the McCarthy/Leahy Gun Control Bill.

    The NRA continues to make excuses; using legislative and legal doublespeak to mislead their members about this bill. 

    Make no mistake; H.R. 2640 is a massive expansion of the unconstitutional Brady Registration Act.   This gun control legislation gives unprecedented new powers to the federal government s NICS system to open up supposedly private mental health records to government scrutiny.   This bill aims to criminalize our nation’s combat veterans and anyone who s sought help for depression or other mental concerns normally associated with combat.  They are working hard to give the Federal Government and their uncontrollable beast, the BATFE– the tools they need to persecute and prosecute gun owners.

    In a Capitol Hill publication yesterday, even the President of the Brady Campaign was singing the praises of the NRA for supporting this gun control measure: (Go here to read the full article: Article)

    The president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, Paul Helmke, said he remains optimistic that the Senate impasse can be cleared, ascribing it to the everyday difficulty of moving a complex bill through Congress.

    While the NRA has not tapped its extensive grassroots membership to help the background-check measure pass, Helmke said the premier gun group s support was enough.

    Their concern is that some of their grassroots feels the same as the GOA on this, and they don t want to risk alienating some of their members, Helmke said. They re taking the right position here, which is that not everybody should get a gun. [Emphasis added]

    That’s right: the Brady Campaign and the NRA are giving the federal government even more power to decide who should not have firearms.

    But the Washington insider publication betrays the achilles heel of this battle: the NRA hasn’t gone to their members to sell this, largely because so very few gun owners — except those who believe the NRA can do no wrong, ever — can buy into their cut-and-run strategy.  “Let’s do it to ourselves (pass gun control in the wake of Virginia Tech) before they do it to us” is a song that has been sung a hundred times by NRA leadership on a state and federal level, and it’s become obvious where that strategy leads America.

    Just how far has the NRA betrayed gun owners?

    The NRA is cutting back room deals with the Brady Campaign and notorious anti-gun legislators like Sen. Chuck Schummer and Rep. Carolyn McCarthy; all in the name of political access.  They keep saying they are improving current gun controls laws.  Gun owners don t want these laws improved , we want them repealed.  The NRA is simply trying to guild the chains that bind us.

    The NRA s betrayal of gun owners on H.R. 2640 has been well documented. (For further evidence go here:

    • Don’t faint, but the National Rifle Association and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence have joined forces behind a bill regulating the sale of firearms
    • . — Gun reform with NRA blessing, The Denver Post, June 17, 2007

    • The difference is that the NRA endorsed the background check improvements, boosting its chances of becoming the first major national gun control law in more than a decade.
    • –Andrew Taylor of Associated Press, NRA Challenges Gun-Control Democrats,, June 27, 2007

    • When the NRA and I agree on legislation, you know that it’s going to get through, become law and do some good,’ says Schumer. — NRA, Democrats Team Up To Pass Gun Bill ,, June 13, 2007

    There is some good news for gun owners:  Second Amendment hero Senator Tom Coburn continues to fight against H.R. 2640.  Opposition is building, but we still have a long way to go.

    We need Senator Mike Crapo (R-ID) and Senator Jim Bunning (R-KY) to join Senator Tom Coburn in opposition to this outrageous infringement upon on constitutional rights.

    Here s what you can do:

    1)              Call Senators Mike Crapo and Jim Bunning and tell them to join Senator Coburn in opposition to H.R. 2640, the McCarthy/Leahy Gun Control Bill. 

       Call Senator Mike Crapo’s office at (202) 224-6142.   To e-mail senator Crapo go here:

       Call Senator Bunning s office at (202) 224-4343.  To e-mail Senator Bunning go here:”

    2)              Call or e-mail the NRA and tell them to stop schmoozing with Sarah Brady and Chuck Schummer and oppose H.R. 2640. 

             Call (800) 392-8683 or e-mail the NRA s federal lobbyist, Chuck Cunningham at and  

    For NAGR s extensive analysis of H.R. 2640, go here:   

    Join Me


    National Association for Gun Rights

    P.O. Box 7002

    Fredericksburg, VA 22404



    Phone:   (888) 874-3006   Toll-Free

    Fax:       (202) 351-0578

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