My Political View Point
“When the people fear their government, there is tyranny;
when the government fears the people, there is liberty” – Thomas Jefferson
“I love my country but fear what it’s government has become..” – unknown
You can read my past political ranting on my Conservative Opinions & Political Commentary Page on my home page site
- I am interested in politics, I don’t fit in any clearly defined category. If I had to define myself I guess I would be a Libertarian Republican, far right wing conservative or a Constitutionalist, take your pick. I’d probably be a Libertarian but most of the Libertarians I know are whack jobs.. So call me a conservative constitutionalist.
- I am a strong supporter of the 2nd amendment of the Bill of Rights as will as the rest of the Bill of Rights and Constitution. See my The People’s Right to Bear Arms and 2nd Amendment Quotes web pages
- I believe our government ignores these inspired documents and we the people need to do what ever we must to keep them from taking our rights and freedoms from us, whether incrementally or wholesale. If strong opinions don’t upset you and you won’t be offended by what I say, considering what I’ve already told you, then go ahead and read the rest of the page. If they do upset you, you were warned so don’t complain to me about it! As the T-shirt one of my sisters gave me for Christmas a while back says “I’m not opinionated, I’m just always right!”.
- Some quick thoughts on current politics. Democrats are evil and while the Republicans aren’t the best we could hope for they are a an improvement over having immoral socialists who stand for about everything I oppose being in charge.
- I have a lot of complaints about President Bush and the Republicans, I don’t know why the Democrats are complain so much (other than they aren’t in power and that is all they care about wether it is good for the country or not), the Republicans have massively grown the size of government since they have been in office and have spent like drunken sailors, something the Democrats would do if they were in power. About the only things I can say Bush and the Republican congress have done I like is lower taxes some, put in some conservative judges which is extremely important and have done a fair job on the war on terror. Even though the mainstream media and Democrats have done their best to under mine what we are doing. If the Democrats win back the House and Senate this year it will be bad for the country and I blame the Republicans because they have done such a lousy job of running the country and have forsaken their roots.
- The one thing I want the Republicans to do right away is close our boarders. We are being invaded and it has to stop. If we have to post the military on the Mexican boarder and shoot every person that tries to cross the boarder illegally to make it stop I’d be for it, we must do what ever it takes! I live in Arizona and I see the costs of illegal immigration, nay, invaders who are violating our borders. We are spending a fortune on bi-lingual education, our hospitals are closing emergency rooms because they are going bankrupt. We have the highest stolen car rate in the nation. It is common for the illegals to get in accidents and then take off because they are here illegal and have no insurance.
- I saw the results of one such accident a couple months ago. A pickup I’m sure was driven by an illegal ran a red light in front of my dentist’s office, hit an SUV, turned it over, took out a electric pole, fire hydrant and only because it hit a large tree and stopped preventing it from plowing into the dentist’s office. The driver got out and took off running, there were several witnesses, from the nearby school and apartment complex across the street, but no one tried to stop him.. I could go on and on about such problems, but need to get to bed.. They cause crime, gangs, drugs, people smuggling, you name it and we have it all going on in Arizona..
- Well, I will keep this some what short since it is late and this is really a test of the email my post to my blog set up. When I have more time I will rant some more. The one thing I don’t have a lot of these days is time..
- Scott