Islam Politics

What the West Needs to Know about Islam

You need to see this DVD, it can be rented from or other places I’m sure. It tells the facts about Islam that there are two states in the world the State of Islam were the Islamist live and the State of War were everyone else lives who is not a Muslim. According to the Koran those of us who are not Muslims can be lied to, murdered, and subjugated, subjects who pay tribute to the State of Islam. If we are more powerful than the Muslims they will lie to us and tell us they are peaceful and our friends and make peace with us until they become stronger then watch out.
Islam is not only a religion but a form of government which is not compatible with the values of those who live out side of it. Women and non Muslims are second class citizens. It is their goal that the whole world will some day be under the rule of Islam. I can not begin to summarize the 90 minute DVD which is mostly told by those who of lived under Islam or left Islam.

Some web resources for you Official website of the documentary.

Religion of Peace? Islams War Against the World
the new book by Gregory M. Davis.
From World Ahead Publishing Robert Spencer’s website. ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America’s national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam.

A recent email I got from ACT
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Undercover Reporter in United Kingdom
Films Islamofascism in Action !!

Dear Scott,

Over a year ago, a United Kingdom television station dispatched a reporter to go undercover into mosques in the UK.

In a series of blockbuster video reports that have been posted on YouTube, viewers get to see for themselves what Brigitte Gabriel and others have been warning about for years.

In just the first installment, you will see imams proclaiming:

Allah has created the woman deficient & If she doesn’t wear the hijab, we hit her.

You have to live like a state within a state until you take over.

The pinnacle, the crest, the summit of Islam, is jihad.

In that same installment you will see how a large Muslim organization in the UK has a special chat room for communication not meant for non-Muslims to see.

You will see how imams despise non-believers and call for jihad against them.

But what is most relevant for us in America, is that the Saudi Arabian religious establishment that provides the materials and the teaching that is going on inside these British mosques also provides the materials and the teaching for many if not most mosques here in the United States.

So when you click on the link below to view these undercover videos, remind yourself that this is what is happening in mosques right here in America perhaps in your community, and even right down the street from you!

If you aren’t able to see these videos on your computer, find someone who can.

Words alone do not do justice to the reality of the threat we are facing. Please click on the link above, view one or more of the videos, and then forward this email to everyone you know.

ACT for America
P.O. Box 6884
Virginia Beach, VA 23456

ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America s national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam.

Another Email

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Dear Scott,

U.S. Representative Sue Myrick, co-founder of the House anti-terrorism caucus, has done America a great service with her call for a 10 point plan to tackle the threat of Islamic terrorism here in America.

Her 10 point plan is listed in the article below. Her press release laying out her plan can be viewed by clicking

In the past we have highlighted concerns raised by many of the items in her plan, such as the FBI s flawed Arabic translator program.

She will certainly get criticism from Muslims and the politically correct crowd. We need to show Rep. Myrick that there are Americans who are 100% behind her and applaud her courage and leadership.

Before Monday, please send an email to Rep. Myrick letting her know we re behind her. Click on this link to send her an email:

And if you are so inclined, call her Washington, D.C. office, 202/225-1976, and leave a message there letting Rep. Myrick know we re supporting her efforts.

Make sure you identify yourself as an ACT! for America member when you email or call!

Thank you!

Brigitte Gabriel

Congresswoman unveils ‘Wake Up America’ plan to try to stop threats

Lisa Zagaroly

McClatchy Newspapers

Rep. Sue Myrick wants America to “wake up” and stop allowing terrorism to proliferate … The Charlotte Republican on Friday released a list of 10 items she hopes will help peel back the layers on how radical elements of Islam might be infiltrating the military, school rooms and other elements of society. She also wants to stop the government from supporting terrorist organizations through financial investments and military sales. … The co-founder of the House anti-terrorism caucus has spent an increasing amount of time trying to tackle what she views as threats posed at home by extremists, an issue that fuels her commitment to deporting illegal immigrants.

Myrick’s 10-point plan

  1. Investigate all military chaplains endorsed by Abdurahman Alamoudi, who was imprisoned for funding a terrorist organization.
  2. Investigate all prison chaplains endorsed by Alamoudi.
  3. Investigate the selection process of Arabic translators working for the Pentagon and FBI.
  4. Examine the nonprofit status of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
  5. Make it an act of sedition or solicitation of treason to preach or publish materials that call for the deaths of Americans.
  6. Audit sovereign wealth funds in the United States.
  7. Cancel scholarship student visa program with Saudi Arabia until they reform their text books, which she claims preach hatred and violence against non-Muslims.
  8. Restrict religious visas for imams who come from countries that don’t allow reciprocal visits by non-Muslim clergy.
  9. Cancel contracts to train Saudi police and security in U.S. counterterrorism tactics.
  10. Block the sale of sensitive military munitions to Saudi Arabia.

ACT for America
P.O. Box 6884
Virginia Beach, VA 23456

ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America s national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam.

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By Scott

60 something single male, conservative, LDS former missionary.

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