2nd Amendment RKBA

End of the Year Report

GOA Members Win Key Battles in 2008
— While gun rights advanced this year, the prospects for next year
look very tough

Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

“The best Second Amendment defense organization in the country is Gun
Owners of America.” — Joseph Farrah, founder and CEO of, September 2008

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


That’s what the next four years are going to bring. More government
regulations… more government spending… and more battles over gun

Once Barack Obama takes his oath of office in January, he will
become, without a doubt, the most anti-gun President this nation has
ever seen.

How are gun owners responding to the oncoming Obama presidency? By
the tens of thousands, they are pouring into gun stores all across
the country and stocking up on guns and ammo, fearing the worst.
Many buyers include first-time gun owners.

And while that is not a bad idea, it’s a short term solution to a
long-term problem that does nothing to defend our Second Amendment
rights from being eliminated by a Congress controlled by people like
Ted Kennedy, Chuck Schumer, Carolyn McCarthy and other notorious gun

That’s why we need you to stand with Gun Owners of America next year.
If you have never become a GOA member — or you’ve let your
membership lapse — we need you on board so that we have the
ammunition necessary to fight every gun control bill that comes our

It takes less than five minutes to go to and sign up. By doing so,
you will be joining — in the words of WorldNetDaily’s founder — the
“best Second Amendment defense organization in the country.”

We need you now more than ever, as we are surely in for the fight of
our lives!

Even so, despite all the hurdles that we see ahead, one should not
forget that 2008 was a real improvement for gun rights in many
respects. Gun Owners of America experienced victories in the
courts… in the Congress… over federal bureaucracies… and in the

The following victories are just a few of the accomplishments that
GOA was able to achieve this year with YOUR HELP. So let’s take a
look at our work together, month by month.

January – February

  • As the new year dawns, President Bush signs the Veterans
    Disarmament Act (a.k.a. the NICS Improvement Amendments Act). This
    legislation codifies illegitimate procedures that, over the past
    decade, had already resulted in almost 150,000 veterans being denied
    the right to buy guns because battle-related stress has supposedly
    rendered them unable to manage their own financial affairs.

GOA was able to win some significant concession in the bill, even as
we were trying to kill it outright. Unfortunately, the bill passed
both houses of Congress last year without a vote. Republican Senator
Jim DeMint of South Carolina later complained that the Democrat
controlled Senate had passed 94 percent of its bills this year
without a recorded vote.

  • An Associate Director in the U.S. Interior Department defends the
    National Park Service ban claiming that “parks are safe places” and
    that right to carry laws “do not reduce crime” or protect people
    against dangerous wildlife. GOA responds by generating thousands
    upon thousands of postcards into the Oval Office, asking President
    Bush to put the squeeze on Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne to get
    the NPS ban reversed — a reversal that will come about in May.
  • The U.S. Solicitor General files a brief with the U.S. Supreme
    Court in the D.C. v. Heller case arguing that categorical gun bans of
    virtually all self-defense firearms are constitutional if a court
    determines they are “reasonable” — the lowest standard of
    constitutional review. This view could justify a national ban on all
    firearms, including a ban on all hunting rifles.

GOA works with Rep. Virgil Goode (R-VA) and helps him to quickly get
57 additional congressmen to oppose the Solicitor General’s opinion.

  • Because of generous contributions from its members, GOA is able to
    submit a very unique amicus brief before the U.S. Supreme Court in
    defense of Dick Anthony Heller, who was denied the right to own a gun
    in the nation�s capital as a result of the draconian gun ban which
    exists there.

In this hard-hitting brief, GOA takes aim at the weak arguments put
forth by both the DC government and the Bush Administration. But
more than that, GOA examines the favorable text and context of the
Second Amendment in great detail, while also documenting the pro-gun
history that formed the backdrop of its inclusion into the Bill of

March – May

  • After looking at all the briefs which have been submitted in the
    Heller case, the editors at USA Today decide to use GOA for the
    opposing voice on March 19. The paper’s editors tell our attorneys
    that GOA had an argument that was clearly distinctive, as we were the
    only ones to argue that the words “shall not be infringed”
    invalidated all federal gun control laws.
  • In the states, GOA helped Utah, Wisconsin and Wyoming to pass
    Emergency Protection bills throughout the country. These bills
    repeal laws that allow police to confiscate firearms during a
    declared emergency, such as what occurred in New Orleans after
    Hurricane Katrina decimated the city in 2005.

  • The sponsor of the Utah legislation, Senator Mark Madsen (R), thanked
    GOA in March for the help we offered in helping pass the legislation
    in his state.

    “GOA supplied me with video that documented the plight of decent gun
    owners in New Orleans who had their guns stolen by police after
    Hurricane Katrina,” Madsen said. “The DVD was very helpful in
    educating other members of the Utah legislature, and my bill to
    protect Utah gun owners from gun confiscation, SB 157, passed by
    overwhelming margins.”

    Sen. Madsen’s new law is one of the best in the country. If someone
    were to have his gun illegitimately confiscated, that person could
    not only sue for damages, but could hold the offending officer and
    his superior personally liable.

    • GOA’s attorneys uncover a proposal in April to keep gun owners from
      shipping replica or inert munitions through the mail. GOA
      immediately submitted a blistering critique to the U.S. Post Office
      and contacted thousands of grassroots activists so they could submit
      their own comments as well. To date, the agency has backed off of
      its original gun control proposal.
  • The Bush administration, after more than seven years, has finally
    issued regulations permitting the carrying of firearms in national
    parks! Beginning in 2009, gun owners will be able to carry firearms
    according to the laws of the state in which the park is located.

  • GOA learns about Pastor Phillip Miles of South Carolina, who was
    sentenced to three years in a Russian prison for carrying a single
    box of hunting ammo in his luggage, intended as a gift. GOA urges
    President Bush and Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice to intervene on
    Miles’ behalf, as the sentence definitely did not fit the “crime.”
    Russian authorities succumb to the outcry shortly thereafter… Miles
    is released in June and returns to the United States.

  • June – August

    • The Supreme Court strikes down the DC gun ban! While not perfect,
      the Court’s decision recognizes that the Second Amendment protects an
      “individual right” and states that the decades-old ban in the
      nation’s capital is unconstitutional.

    GOA’s brief had countered both the DC government and the Bush
    Administration — as the latter had asked the Court to use the DC
    case as a justification for all sorts of gun control. GOA is pleased
    that the Justices heeded our admonition to limit the Court’s holding
    to the case before it, thus shooting down both the DC government and
    the Bush Administration in their quest to validate other firearms

    • GOA Executive Director Larry Pratt escorts David Olofson to a
      federal prison in Minnesota. Olofson was convicted in federal court
      of transferring a malfunctioning semi-automatic firearm which the ATF
      claimed was machine gun — a determination that should concern every
      gun owner who owns a semi-auto.

    Gun Owners of America becomes the lead gun organization fighting
    against the ATF’s persecution of Olofson. In taking on this case,
    GOA is also defending the rights of gun owners who could be
    prosecuted for owning a malfunctioning firearm. For the ATF, a gun
    that misfires is an excellent opportunity to rack up an easy
    conviction on an illegal machine gun charge.

    In Olofson’s defense, GOA submits an appeal challenging his
    conviction at the district court level, and sets up a relief fund to
    help pay for his family’s mortgage and car payments.

    September – November

    • David Olofson’s wife, Candy, thanks GOA and its members for helping
      their family. Candy tells GOA Executive Director Larry Pratt that
      because of the financial help that GOA members have given, she has
      not had to get a second job, so she is able to spend time being a
  • GOA’s Larry Pratt travels to the Big Easy to award a brand new
    handgun to Patricia Konie — the New Orleans resident who was tackled
    and disarmed by police in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Konie was
    forced to evacuate her home in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in 2005,
    and until recently, had remained disarmed. To this day, she has
    never gotten back her stolen gun.

  • GOA tells its email activists how the ATF was trying to prevent the
    distribution of an electronic 4473 Form. This software has been
    developed by a private firm, Coloseum Software Corporation, and is
    intended to protect dealers against the “mistakes” that have allowed
    the ATF to prosecute or harass them into giving up their licenses.

  • GOA issued a grassroots alert in mid-October explaining how the ATF
    had been dragging its collective feet for months — keeping Coloseum
    from distributing its software, even while the ATF was developing its
    own competing software (and possibly, violating the copyright which
    belonged to Coloseum).

    After GOA asked gun owners to contact the Bush Administration, the
    owner of Coloseum contacted us shortly thereafter to tell us that our
    alert had been a tremendous success: “After the GOA alert put the
    spotlight on criminal activity by the BATFE, they quickly provided us
    [Coloseum Software Corp] with the required documentation for the new
    Form 4473 which we had been asking for months.”

    Sign up with GOA… the battle lines are now drawn!

    GOA is on the front lines, fighting to defend your rights. Even if
    you have already renewed your membership in GOA, we hope you will
    consider making an additional contribution.

    With your extra support in 2009, we will fight off every new attack
    on our gun rights. And we will remind the Democratic Congress what
    happened to their majority the last time they followed an anti-gun
    President down this path.

    This next year is going to be our most difficult year in a long, long
    time. Already, President-elect Obama is surrounding himself with
    virulent anti-gunners:

    • His pick for Attorney General went to a committed gun grabber in
      Eric Holder. Holder signed on to an amicus brief in the Heller case
      which SUPPORTED the DC ban on handguns and the ban on using any
      firearm for self-defense in a person�s home. Holder’s brief also
      argued that the Second Amendment protects a “collective” right, not
      an individual right (as the Supreme Court eventually ruled).
  • And based on his pick for Chief of Staff, you can be sure that the
    Obama administration will use any “crisis” it can to push its gun
    control agenda. Obama’s Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, told the Wall
    Street Journal recently that, “You never want a serious crisis to go
    to waste…. [A] crisis provides the opportunity for us to do things
    that you could not do before.”

  • Get it? Every time a crackpot goes on a shooting spree, the Obama
    administration is going to use that “crisis” to come after your guns!

    So please make the decision to stay with us in the upcoming year, as
    it will be critical for America’s gun rights. Whether you can help
    us out with your gift of $35 or $3500, your contribution will be put
    immediately into the fight to preserve and restore all of our gun

    Please go to and stay with
    us in 2009!

    Please do not reply directly to this message, as your reply will
    bounce back as undeliverable.

    To subscribe to free, low-volume GOA alerts, go to on the web. Change of e-mail
    address may also be made at that location.

    Problems, questions or comments? The main GOA e-mail address is at your disposal. Please do not add that
    address to distribution lists sending more than ten messages per
    week or lists associated with issues other than gun rights.

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    By Scott

    60 something single male, conservative, LDS former missionary.

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