Economy Politics

Who’s responsable for AIG, Wallstreet crash

I think people need to get a grip and quit threatening people who work for AIG. Congress approved the bonuses and with the help of the liberal media is trying to pass the blame on AIG and others. It is Congress that as passed these massive spending bills with out even reading them that is the problem!

If you want to punish someone for our current problems then you should have voted the Democrats out of office and not elected Obama last fall. The Democrats have controlled Congress for the last two years. Since it is too late for that now we need to take our anger out on Congress and the White House, let them know you are not happy at all with what they are doing! You need to see some of my previous posts like:

The men who brought down Wall Street Let me give you a clue, they were all Democrats!

The Sub – Prime disaster the Democrats caused this too.

Presidential Election Where I warned about some of what would happened if Obama got elected and the Democrats control both houses. Actually it has been worse than I imagined..

Ann Coulter lays it out that Wall Street is Democrat territory, these big bankers are NOT
Republicans or conservatives. On second though maybe we should punish them too.

Gordon Gekko is a Democrat

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By Scott

60 something single male, conservative, LDS former missionary.

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