scottsworld The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Some what Annoyed with the Chuch’s website..

First off when I say Church I always mean The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I had no problem with them changing the church URL from to

But now they have broken all my scripture links in my pages of which there are literally thousands of them.. or any other scripture link takes you to  So all my links to the scriptures no longer work and if you search for a particular chapter and verse on the scripture site it only takes you to the chapter now, it used to go to the verse and highlight the verses specified. Because of that I have just decided to remove ALL of them and just have the text of the scriptures which will still be there just no link back to the document referred to.

Over the years they have made changes and lost articles I had linked to so I have quit linking to them. They changed links to the gospel principles manual and chapter, I fixed all those last week. It was easy to do a find and replace for to and to but there is no fix for what they did to the scripture pages and no easy find and replace all of them. I have to remove the links from upwards of 50 pages when you figure all of Gods Plan of Salvation, Book of Mormon pages (several) the Gospel Principles Comments and Resources files of which there are over 50, Which Church and The Bible the Only word of God pages, Come Let us Reason Together and so on. It means hours of work for me..

By Scott

60 something single male, conservative, LDS former missionary.

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