freedom of speach Politics

Stop the Push to Silence Free Speech

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I have just taken action to stop the attacks on our Free Speech
Rights, and I’m asking that you join with me by clicking here:


+ + Will The Fairness Doctrine Silence The Conservative Voice?

Will 2009 usher in a fanatical push to re-instate the so-called
Fairness Doctrine? Such a move would effectively silence the
conservative voice and remove the last conservative stronghold
against a fast-moving liberal agenda.

Scott, One need only read the words of Dianne
Feinstein to see the true threat to conservative speech that is
brewing on the horizon!

             “Talk radio tends to be one-sided. It also tends to
             be dwelling in hyperbole. It’s explosive. It pushes
             people to, I think, extreme views without a lot of
             information … I’m looking at the [Fairness Doctrine]…
             Unfortunately, talk radio is overwhelmingly one way.”

Recognizing this threat, the Media Research Center has created
the Free Speech Alliance which is a coalition of organizations
and citizens strongly opposed to any such move to limit or
undermine our Free Speech Rights!

Please take a moment right now to join the hundreds of
thousands of Americans who oppose the Fairness Doctrine and
all that it stands for by clicking here:


Thanks for joining with me.


P.S. If the liberal voice in America has their way, the Fairness
Doctrine will end conservative talk–including Rush, Sean,
Laura, Mark, and a host of others. Take action today by clicking

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By Scott

60 something single male, conservative, LDS former missionary.

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